Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Happy 13th Birthday, Taylor Grace!

Happy Happy Birthday, my beautiful Taylor Grace!

I cannot believe my youngest baby girl is now a teenager.

I only have one more year with you at home with me each day 
before I have to send you off to high school with Kam.
And I plan to make the most of it.
You are such a joy.
I love to hear your  thoughts and ideas.
You're very intuitive, and listen far more than you talk.
I cannot wait to adventure with you this year!

Love you to the moon baby girl!

Friday, February 23, 2024

Happy 19th Birthday, Makenna Nicole!

Happy 19th Birthday, my sweet Kenners!

Nineteen years ago today I was so excited to bring home another baby girl, and you have continued to bring us so much fun, and joy, and laughter ever since.

After so many exciting moments last year, and getting to watch you tackle so many firsts {and lasts}, 
I was a little sad for your Senior year to come to an end. 
But this year will bring so many new adventures!
And I cannot wait to be a part of it all.
I'm so proud of you, Love!

She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come
Proverbs 31:25

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Saturday, January 27, 2024

Happy 15th Birthday, Kameryn Faith

Kameryn Faith, on this very day 15 years ago
 I finally got to meet you in person.
After 2 weeks of living in the hospital, and 34 weeks of pregnancy, 
I got to see your sweet face.

You were the sweetest, tiniest love I ever did see.

And you grew into the sassiest little toddler.

You loved so big, and found so much joy in every single ordinary thing we did.

Each day started with "this is the best day ever!"

I absolutely adore watching you grow and succeed.
To see you navigate your first year of high school so effortlessly has been a complete joy.
I pray that this next year is your very best yet, and you continue to seek God's will for your life.

Love you to the moon, baby girl!

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