Poor, sweet, neglected blog.
It seems the more I have to blog about, the less time I have to blog :(
So. Where were we . . .
Oh yes.
We got home from camping, and I set to work on 4,000 loads of laundry.
But before we headed out for camping, we had a lot going on.
Fourth of July Celebrations:
We spent the evening at home with our own fireworks display,
but earlier that day Jeremy and I snuck away to Estacada for the Timber Festival.
It was so much fun!
We watched all sorts of timber games.
My favorite was the climbers:
And headed home in time for a BBQ and fireworks of our own:
Mostly we've just enjoyed the outdoors.
We don't get an abundance of sunshine throughout the year, so we try to soak it up as much as we can when it finally makes its appearance.
One of our favorite ways to enjoy Summer?

This pic cracks me up!!
Poor Sierra is so careful to toast her marshmallow just so.
But this one caught fire, and . . . total sadness.
All was lost ;)
A couple of days later, we attended a bridal shower for my soon-to-be niece.
For the most part it was a lovely afternoon full of good friends, food, and celebration.
Miss Tay was a HANDFUL, but otherwise, it was perfect.
And finally . . .
Our Family Reunion Camp Out is one of our most looked forward to outings all year.
Now, deep breath.
Birthday parties, daytrips, family visits, playdates, a WEDDING, and some other BIG EXCITING NEWS are all to come in the next several weeks . . .