Happy 13th Birthday, Kameryn Faith!
I cannot fathom how thirteen years has passed so quickly.
It seems like it was just yesterday you were swaddled in my arms after a long,
hospital wait for your arrival.
And in the blink of an eye you are a TEENAGER. I don't think my mama heart can take it.
Kameryn Faith,
* Love to read. It is nothing for you to finish a book in one day.
* Still love fashion and accessories. It's important to you to look your best, and I love that you take pride in your appearance.
* Are the resident babysitter wherever we go. You are SO.GOOD.WITH.CHILDREN. They are drawn to you. You are responsible and loving, and don't mind chasing after them, no matter where we are.
* Are the sweetest friend. You are outgoing and warm, and a friend to everyone.
*Love to travel . . . mostly to places that are HOT and SUNNY!
Happy 13th Birthday, my love. You bring us joy each and every day!