Happy Birthday Miss Taylor Grace!
I'm equal parts happy and sad when I look through seven years of photographs and memories.
It's so exciting to see the young lady you are becoming, but this mama also misses those teeny baby days, the tiny little feet learning to walk, and watching as you take in everything new for the first time.
Taylor Grace,
You are seven years old today!
You love the color blue.
You can play Legos with your sister, Kam, ALL.DAY.LONG
After visiting Texas you have decided you want to live there . . .
and work at Sea World
(Because Orcas are your absolute favorite!)
You are, by far, the most independent child I know.
You love animals.
You have BIG emotions:
You love fiercely and fight strongly.
God knew just what we needed when He sent you to us,
and we love you bigger than the sky!