Happy 8th Birthday to our Taylor Grace.
It doesn't seem possible that it's been eight whole years since the day you were born;
but conversely, it seems we've known you an eternity.
Taylor, you keep us on our toes every day.
* You are kind and thoughtful;
and as you get older, you are the biggest helper!
*You like things neat and tidy {like big Sis, Sierra}
*You are the only person in this house that can scoop up Luna, and tote her around.
She wouldn't tolerate even a second of that nonsense from any of the rest of us.
*You know what you want, and you are particular about how you want it.
Just because you're the youngest does not mean you'll let others walk all over you.
*You're a homebody like your mama.
*You still maintain that you are never getting married
{you don't want to have to share the parmesan cheese},
nor having children {they're too loud, and you want your freedom}.
And that as soon as you turn 18 you are buying yourself a pig.
*You are gentle and loving with animals.
It will not surprise me one bit if you grow up to work with animals in some capacity.
You are such a bright ray of sunshine in our lives.
You make us laugh each and every day.
We love you to the moon, Taylor Grace! ♥
Scroll down for eleventy million photos, *and* links to past Birthday posts ♥
Taylor's 7th Birthday
6th Birthday
5th Birthday
4th Birthday
3rd Birthday
2nd Birthday
1st Birthday