For more WW Fun, stop by 5 Minutes for Mom!

And a big thanks to Kenlie {Kenz}~ All The Weigh for helping out with this week's topic!!
You ladies are fabulous!
This week's topic:
List a few things you cannot live without!
First and foremost, my family. I cannot imagine life without them!
Also, my camera. This thing goes with me everywhere!
I don't go anywhere without makeup on. It's a must.
And I am a BIG water-drinker. I can't imagine going even a few hours without a glass of ice cold water!
There are many others.
My cell phone {I need a new one, BTW}, my laptop.
There are many things I simply can't live without, it seems!
Happy Monday, y'all! We're off to go get flu shots. Yay.
You are permanently attached to my hip at all times.
And when you get angry, you let us know. Quite loudly.
You are an absolute joy and a great blessing to our family.
Only 8 months, and we don't know what we ever did without you!
Love you, sweet girl.
It's still hard for me to believe that one year ago we didn't even know we would be blessed with another daughter. Funny how certain moments stick out in your mind. My ultrasound with Kameryn seems like just yesterday.
{Originally submitted October 7, 2009}
Week 18 ~ It’s A . . . .
Wow, what a week! We went in for the ultrasound the day after my last entry. Jeremy planned to meet the girls and me there, as he was just getting off of work. It was an early morning for Makenna, who enjoys sleeping until 9am or later, but all in all we had a fun drive. The girls got a kick out of the fact that I had to drink a boat load of water and then not go to the bathroom. By the time we got to the doctor’s office (about a 35 minute drive) my poor little bladder was hurting, and Sierra and Makenna thought that was too funny. As exciting and wonderful as it is to get to see your little one during an ultrasound, I have such a hard time downing all that water and then “holding it in”.
Amazingly enough, after getting behind a huge log truck and a school bus that had many, many stops to make, we still managed to arrive with a few minutes to spare. We checked in, and I only had to wait 10 minutes before I was called back. Jeremy and the girls waited in the waiting room for the first half of the ultrasound while the technician had a look around to make sure the baby was doing okay. All looked fine, which is such a relief. Finally, Jeremy and the girls got to come back, and the first thing the ultrasound tech asked was what Sierra and Makenna were hoping for, a brother or a sister. Both answered “A brother!” And the technician proceeded to show us that, in fact, they would be blessed with another sister. It took the girls all of two seconds to be excited at the prospect of a baby girl. I still can’t believe we are having another precious girl. I honestly thought this little one might be a boy, so it was a bit of a surprise to find out differently. I know Jeremy really would like a son (I would love one too!), but I also know how much he loves and enjoys his little girls. Three daughters is such a blessing!
The ultrasound was obviously the highlight of our week. The rest of the week was pretty average ~ schooling, church, and dance classes kept us busy, but nothing too exciting. The girls and I are planning a shopping trip with my mom at the end of the week. Sierra and Makenna are both in need of new dance wear, tights, and socks. And I am hoping that we’ll find Halloween costumes while we’re out. Sierra has decided that she would like to be a black cat, so I will make her costume. Makenna is still deciding. One day she wants to be Ariel, the next she wants to be a cat, but she’s also talked about a ladybug and butterfly. I’ve tried to prepare her for the fact that once we choose a costume and bring it home, she won’t be able to change her mind. I’m still on the lookout for a new bedspread or comforter. Have I mentioned that we have a duvet cover right now and it is such a pain in the neck? The blanket shifts and bunches, and every time I have to wash it I practically have to be an acrobat to put it all back together again. But, I have such a hard time parting with money for things like that. They seem like an extravagance when we already have bedding. So, we’ll see. If I find a great deal, I might have to splurge, but with Christmas less than 3 months away, and a new baby on the way, I’d really like to save the money to spend on more important things.
Well, that’s it for this week. I hope this entry finds all of you doing well.
Until next week,
It's the first day of Fall!
{And it's ninety-four degrees . . . I don't think Mother Nature got the memo}
I signed up for Heidi's Monthly Craft Challenge, and I haven't even purchased supplies for it yet. {Truth? I don't even have a firm idea of what I'm going to make!}
Sunday night was our second night of Beth Moore's study, When Godly People Do Un-Godly Things, and I'm LOVIN' it!
Tomorrow I'm going shopping for a high chair for Kameryn because, yes, she is nearly 8 months old and does not have a high chair. Don't judge.
My hair needs help. I gave it a trim a couple of weeks ago, but it is in desperate need of color, and I'm thinking of going dark for Fall . . . . hmmm . . .
Swim and Dance lessons start next week and I'm secretly dreading inhaling chlorine twice weekly for 8 weeks. I'm actually looking forward to dance starting back up.
I'm so far behind on my scrapbooking and photo albums that I'm thinking of giving up on them altogether. Sad, but true, I take too many pictures and can't keep up with them all.
How about you?
What kind of random thoughts are invading your head today?
A lady was kind enough to ask if we'd all like to have a picture together.
We finally arrived in Lincoln City, and immediately hit the sand.
And spent the rest of the evening digging, patting, scooping, and splashing.
Wednesday was spent at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. We got to see some beautiful fish, and learned quite a bit about ocean life. Look at this beauty.
I loved this jelly-fish exhibit. Its color was so vibrant. Especially with the beautiful blue back-drop.
I'm so happy we made this trip a priority. It's been something we've talked about for awhile.
Alternately titled: What to make with all those stinkin' overly ripe bananas!
Around here, when the weather starts changing, there are other changes to look forward to as well. The jeans and sweaters get hauled out of storage. The candles, that have been put away for the summer, get brought out and burned. The house gets a bit of a Fall makeover. And the oven gets quite a work-out.
We love to bake, and some of our favorites are Quick breads.
On this drizzly Saturday morning, I thought I'd share a new Banana-Bread Recipe with y'all in case you're looking for a little warm-me-up comfort food.
This recipe is a little bit of Better Homes & Gardens, with a dash of Betty Crocker, and lots of Your Truly added in to truly make it my own.
Go on, grab your apron and mixing bowls!
{Edited to add the vanilla! How could I forget the vanilla???}
Banana-Bread a la Liz
2 1/4 cups Flour
1 1/2 tsps. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/4 tsp. Salt
1/4 tsp. Cinnamon
1/8 tsp. Nutmeg
2 Eggs
1 1/2 cups Mashed Bananas
1 1/4 cups Sugar
1/2 cup Butter {softened}
1 Tbsp. Vanilla {I personally think every baked good should contain vanilla. Mmmm}
Streusel Ingredients:
{Trust me, this is a must. It's super yummy!}
Oats, about 1/2 cup
{I used a packet of Quaker instant oatmeal in Cinnamon Roll, and can I say YUM, but feel free to use whichever Quick Cooking Oats you have}
1/3 cup Flour
1/3 cup Brown Sugar
2 Tbsps. Butter
Now that you have all the ingredients, let's get started. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees and grease the bottom of two loaf pans. We used one loaf pan and two minis because, well, it's just more fun to have a personal-size banana bread!
Combine dry ingredients in one bowl and wet ingredients in another until both are well combined. Add the dry to the wet and combine. Mix up the Streusel Ingredients. Pour batter into pans, sprinkle with streusel, and bake at 350 degrees for 55 minutes. And Voila!
Anyone else have some great recipes up their sleeve for these cooler days/nights ahead? I'd love to hear! Link up your own if you'd like, so we can all share!
Another Friday means, another pregnancy journal! If y'all are getting tired of these it's okay, you won't hurt my feelings. I just enjoy reminiscing for myself. Do stay tuned, though, because one of these days {once I wipe the drool from my face and pick my exhausted body up off the floor} I'll post about our fantastic trip to the beach! The main purpose was a field trip to the Oregon Coast Aquarium for the kiddos, but it was so much more than that. Lots of great memories with our dear friends!
Here we go, on to the pregnancy journal.
{originally submitted October 1, 2008}
Week 17 ~ Nothing New
Well, I must say, this week hasn’t been very eventful. But I suppose I should be thankful for that. I did manage to gather up the energy to attempt the re-upholstering project I was talking about last week. Jeremy watched while I fumbled through the first chair, and thankfully he stepped in to finish the project for me. I was so grateful, and he did such an amazing job! Now my dining room set looks brand new, and I couldn’t be happier. I guess motivation won over exhaustion because Sierra’s duvet cover got finished too. Now if only I could find a new comforter for our bed . . .
We successfully made it through another week of dance classes, and I am happy to announce that Makenna still loves it! It’s so much fun watching both of the girls up on stage. I can’t believe how fast they are growing up. It was a little strange, however, to be listening to Christmas music on a ninety degree day (they are already preparing for the Christmas Recital).
I worked for a few hours at my mother-in-law’s office yesterday. Once a month they have an all staff meeting and need someone to come in to cover phones and such. It’s an opportunity to make a few extra dollars and a good excuse to get “dressed up”. It also reminds me just how blessed I am to be able to stay at home with my little sugarplums.
We are headed to the library this morning. There is a really nice playground there, and I thought we might all enjoy taking advantage of this beautiful day. It looks as though the rain starts tomorrow, and once it starts here in the Pacific Northwest, there’s no stopping it until late next spring!
I am feeling the baby’s movement more and more, and am so thankful for that. I drive myself crazy with all of the “what ifs” the first several months of pregnancy. Especially after such an event-filled pregnancy with Makenna, it’s as if I’m just waiting for something bad to happen this time around. I go in for my ultrasound tomorrow, and debated whether or not to submit a late journal entry as I am anxious to post some sort of news. But I think I’ll leave you hanging one more week. Seeing our precious little pumpkin will be so exciting, I can’t wait! And hopefully my mind will be put at ease once I can see a healthy little baby on the screen.
Until next week, Blessings!
Even Kam had a great time! Though she wouldn't let you put even one of her toes in the water. No, she preferred people watching. And the 84 degree temps.
Awww, big sis helping little {er, middle} sis. I love it!
We have the greatest time with Grandma!
We even found an extra few minutes, after dragging the girls out of the water, for crafts at the Cub Club. So much fun! They made sand art AND their own lotion. They got to pick their scent, add pretty sparkles, and even name it!
Makenna's Magic Lotion ;)