Another Friday means, another pregnancy journal! If y'all are getting tired of these it's okay, you won't hurt my feelings. I just enjoy reminiscing for myself. Do stay tuned, though, because one of these days {once I wipe the drool from my face and pick my exhausted body up off the floor} I'll post about our fantastic trip to the beach! The main purpose was a field trip to the Oregon Coast Aquarium for the kiddos, but it was so much more than that. Lots of great memories with our dear friends!
Here we go, on to the pregnancy journal.
{originally submitted October 1, 2008}
Week 17 ~ Nothing New
Well, I must say, this week hasn’t been very eventful. But I suppose I should be thankful for that. I did manage to gather up the energy to attempt the re-upholstering project I was talking about last week. Jeremy watched while I fumbled through the first chair, and thankfully he stepped in to finish the project for me. I was so grateful, and he did such an amazing job! Now my dining room set looks brand new, and I couldn’t be happier. I guess motivation won over exhaustion because Sierra’s duvet cover got finished too. Now if only I could find a new comforter for our bed . . .
We successfully made it through another week of dance classes, and I am happy to announce that Makenna still loves it! It’s so much fun watching both of the girls up on stage. I can’t believe how fast they are growing up. It was a little strange, however, to be listening to Christmas music on a ninety degree day (they are already preparing for the Christmas Recital).
I worked for a few hours at my mother-in-law’s office yesterday. Once a month they have an all staff meeting and need someone to come in to cover phones and such. It’s an opportunity to make a few extra dollars and a good excuse to get “dressed up”. It also reminds me just how blessed I am to be able to stay at home with my little sugarplums.
We are headed to the library this morning. There is a really nice playground there, and I thought we might all enjoy taking advantage of this beautiful day. It looks as though the rain starts tomorrow, and once it starts here in the Pacific Northwest, there’s no stopping it until late next spring!
I am feeling the baby’s movement more and more, and am so thankful for that. I drive myself crazy with all of the “what ifs” the first several months of pregnancy. Especially after such an event-filled pregnancy with Makenna, it’s as if I’m just waiting for something bad to happen this time around. I go in for my ultrasound tomorrow, and debated whether or not to submit a late journal entry as I am anxious to post some sort of news. But I think I’ll leave you hanging one more week. Seeing our precious little pumpkin will be so exciting, I can’t wait! And hopefully my mind will be put at ease once I can see a healthy little baby on the screen.
Until next week, Blessings!

I always was worried before each doctors visit too. Not wanting anything to be abnormal or wrong. Did you find out the sex of the baby at that visit or will I have to wait?
How does it feel going back and reading all of this? Again, love it.
Liz, I never get tired of reading your memories from your pregnancy with Kam. I feel blessed to be able to share in all of this. Thank you for the yummy banana bread!!!
I love reading your pregnancy journals...and wish I would have kept one!
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