I know I sound like a broken record, but I cannot believe how quickly 8 months have passed. To think that my little Kameryn Faith is 2/3 of the way through her first year baffles my mind. In so many ways it seems like yesterday that we found out we were expecting her. And here she is, moving closer and closer to her first birthday.
You have two teeth now, and BOY do you love to bite!
You sit like a pro and HATE reclining or lying down.
You like to be able to really see what's going on around you.
Your sisters are your greatest source of entertainment.
They love to make you laugh and smile.
They hover over you, and protect you.
They're like second and third mommies to you.
You don't LOVE the water.
We found that out in no uncertain terms this month during our
Great Wolf Waterpark trip.
You do LOVE to be outside.
And you study everything.
You are permanently attached to my hip at all times.
And when you get angry, you let us know. Quite loudly.
You are an absolute joy and a great blessing to our family.
Only 8 months, and we don't know what we ever did without you!
Love you, sweet girl.

Awwww, this is such a sweet post! She's adorable and I love that your older girls are like 2nd and 3rd mommies to her!
I love her hair :) Cutie pie!
She is so stinkin' cute and I love her name!
She is so sweet! I love her precious cheeks and blue eyes. Happy 8 Months Kameryn!
Kameryn is adorable! Love her blue eyes! They really stand out in the last picture! What beautiful girls you have!
Oh Liz, what beautiful girls you have!! I am so happy that all of you live right next door!! I cannot believe that Kam is 8 months old today either! Thank you for the blessings!
Those are some super cute pictures. I LOVE her eyes. And her sweet grin. And her hair. Okay, fine, she is just all over cuteness. Audrey is going to be ONE in less than a month! It definitely has given me baby-fever again. ;)
Her eyes are absolutely riveting! Great pics...and wow time flies, eh?
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