Monday, January 27, 2020

Happy Birthday, Kameryn Faith!

I spent Saturday morning telling {re-telling?} Kam alllll the stories about her birth.
About how I had been in the hospital for two weeks.
How she was born, six weeks early, perfectly perfect . . . but perhaps a little tiny.
I told her how we had to have daily weigh-ins at the doctor for the first few weeks.
How she struggled at first, but then started growing like a champ.
 I told her all about the first time I left the house with her, and her sissies,
How her sisters had conned me into using the "car cart", and I couldn't steer the thing to save my life.
 And about how I had her in the Ergo, and she must've sensed my fear because
she was screaming bloody murder . . . and I wanted to cry in the corner.
But ~ we persevered, and after that life was happily ever after. Sigh.

Ahhhh my Kameryn Faith . . . how has it been ELEVEN years since this:

 Kam, you are my little optimist.
You love life, and are up for any adventure.
You love to travel, and you capture every moment through your camera lens.
You love to be in front of the camera too, and are a beautiful model.

You are such a blessing to us.
I cannot wait to see what this year brings your way!

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