Happy Birthday, Kameryn!
I know I lament every year, but come on! Double digits???
Kameryn Faith, you blessed me beyond measure ten years ago
by making me a mama for the third time.
I love that by baby number three I thought I had it all figured out . . .
and then you came along, six weeks early, and took us on an amazing, new adventure.
I know I lament every year, but come on! Double digits???
Kameryn Faith, you blessed me beyond measure ten years ago
by making me a mama for the third time.
I love that by baby number three I thought I had it all figured out . . .
and then you came along, six weeks early, and took us on an amazing, new adventure.
* Kam, you are my Accessory Queen,
Bracelets, earrings, necklaces, headbands, and now ~ glasses . . .
you rock them all!
* You love pampering days ~
facials, manis, pedis, and hair-dos are your love language.
* But you equally love throwing your hair in a pony, and heading out on a hunting trip ~
days spent riding four-wheelers in the dust and dirt are among your favorite ways to spend time.
* You love summer days, time spent outdoors, adventuring, trips to the beach,
and most of all ~ time with your family.
*You are such a bright light in our lives, and we love you to the moon!
Kam through the years ♥