I'm tired of the sickies. Isn't it the worst when the little ones don't feel well? I hate that I can't make it better. Blessedly, this is really the first time Kameryn has been sick. Her little nose is running constantly and she HATES to have me wipe it. And forget putting her down for even a second. She just won't have it. Poor little thing. Of course, Kam has learned how to fake cough. When she hears one of her sisters coughing, she must.cough.too. It's pretty cute. Sierra and Makenna seem to be feeling a little better today, so hopefully we've turned a corner.
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Have I mentioned that Kenners is my quirky one? She's hilarious, and always keeps me guessing. I so need to document all of the funny things that come out of her mouth. We had just come through the door from being up at Great Wolf to celebrate her fifth birthday. Kenners plops herself down and says "I don't feel very Five-ish" {Yeah, well I don't feel nearly 30-ish. Welcome to the club.} Oh that girl.
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In other news I got a job. You know, in addition to my 168 hour a week job. ;) I'll be teaching a tap class at the studio that the girls take dance. I filled in for a class on Friday, and it was such fun. Imagine five 3 & 4 year olds in taps. Yeah. It was pretty adorable. And I was amazed at how well they listened and followed directions. I was nervous when I first accepted. I haven't taught dance in awhile. And when I did teach it was high school girls. But I can tell already that I'm going to enjoy it.
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That's pretty much it. Whatcha thinkin' about?