Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Friend Makin' Monday ~ It's {almost} a New Year!
Another week, another Friend Makin' Monday! Last week flew by faster than the rest, it seems, with so many Christmas celebrations. I plan on posting photos soon, it's just been a tad busy around here. And it doesn't look like it will slow down anytime soon. But that's another story.
So, today Amber asks us:
What are our New Year's Resolutions?
I'm still working on my list, but a few of mine are:
♥ Exercise {I know, I know, this one always makes the list for me, but doesn't get taken seriously enough. I need to get in the habit of exercising again. It's been years since I've exercised regularly, and I know I need it.}
♥ Find a new church home. This has been a difficult year for me. After having Kam we were convinced that God was calling us to a new church home. Now I'm not sure where it is that God wants us. I'm praying for guidance.
♥ Build a house. When we bought our property {20 acres} in 2005 there was a lot of work to be done. We put a manufactured home on it in 2006 in hopes of building a house in the future. I think we may be getting close to that future, and I am so excited!
♥ Continue to work on being the kind of wife and mother God has called me to be. To always use soft words {even in times of frustration}, to lead by example, to submit completely to my husband. This is a work in progress, don'tchaknow.
♥ To work on improving my photography in hopes of making it less hobby and more serious {?} This is a big stretch, but I just love taking pictures. And someday, when we are done having babies {sniffle, sniffle}, and they aren't tiny anymore {more sniffles}, I will need to think about returning to work. The thought actually terrifies me. I would love to find something that I can do at home, where I make the schedule. This is one of my biggest prayers.
I'm sure I'll be adding to this list, but for now these are a few of my resolutions for 2010

Sunday, December 27, 2009
♥ 11 Months! ♥
I know I continue to say this, but I honestly cannot believe that my {not so} little Kameryn is creeping up on a year. I can remember so clearly, a year ago, dreaming of the day she would arrive. And here she is, eleven months later.
Kameryn, at eleven months you are:
♥ Closing in on 23 pounds {can't really say how "tall" you are, but we'll find out next month at your one year check-up. And are wearing 12-18 month clothing {sometimes 18-24 months!} Not such a 'preemie' now, are ya?
♥ Crawling, crawling, moving, crawling, scooting, cruising, standing, wiggling. You NEVER sit still.
♥ LOUD. Hands down, the loudest of my three daughters. You love to hear your own voice, and use it excessively. But we love it ;)
♥ Have 5 1/2 teeth. Almost four on the top, and two on the bottom. You are looking so old!
♥ Don't seem to need a lot of sleep. You are down to one nap {most of the time}. Sometimes it's an hour, sometimes two. At night you sleep about 11 hours. But that's not a straight stretch. Oh no. You wake to nurse anywhere from 3-6 times still. Ay yi yi.
♥ Just made it through your first Christmas. What a special year for us to have you in our family!
♥ Love to be out and about. You just love to people-watch, and are happy to be out seeing sights. As long as we're movin', you're happy.
♥ Get.into.EVERYTHING. You are so much more curious than your sisters were, and try to get ahold of anything and everything that you're not supposed to. We have to watch you like a hawk.
♥ Continue to be such a joy. Your smiles light up the room. We love spending our days with you.
Happy 11 months, baby girl!
I'll get around to posting Christmas pics soon. It's been busy :)

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Come, Let Us Adore Him
Luke 2:10-14
But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."
It is overwhelming to think about, isn't it? On this day, the eve before Christmas I wish you happiness and peace. And reflection on the true meaning of this joyous holiday. Enjoy these precious moments with your family.
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland . . .
We've been making Gingerbread Houses
Attending church services and Christmas programs
A village display. So much to look at!
I wish this picture had turned out better. It would've been so cute. But I was holding Kam, and she was being a wiggle britches as I tried to snap.
Lights, lights, more lights.

Almost Wordless Wednesday ~ Sleepy Girl
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friend Makin' Monday ~ All I Want For Christmas
My number 1 wish for Christmas is that we all have a joyful day of memories {not too many meltdowns}, enjoying our time together as a family. This is Kameryn's first Christmas, and it's so special to us. As our family grows, each holiday {each day} is more special and more fun. The best part: Jeremy was scheduled to work Christmas day {he's a firefighter, and stations don't close down for holidays, don'tchaknow}, and he managed to get it off. His last day was Saturday, and he's off until the 28th. YAY! Honestly, having him home with us is, hands down, the best Christmas gift I could ask for.
Presents can be fun, though. If money weren't an issue, and I could pick out whatever I wanted . . . I wouldn't mind one of these:
Canon 50d
Wait a minute, money's not an issue?
May as well go for one of these:
Canon 7d
Or Ooooohh, one of these:
Canon 5d Mark II
Happy FMM! And, if I don't get around to all my favorite blogs this week, have a very Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Blah, Blah, Blah
We have a busy week ahead of us, and I wanted to get some thoughts out of this jumbled mess of a head I have, before I forget them all! Bear with me. This could be long. And a little . . . scattered.
First of all, thank you so much for helping me decide which cookies to take to the exchange. I wound up choosing the jam thumbprints {or Noel Cookies, as they are also called}. We stayed up rather late on Wednesday night making 9 dozen of them. 7 dozen for the exchange, and some extras for us {Jeremy happens to love these cookies!}. I thought they turned out great, and was excited to come home with such an assortment of treats.
*This is a small sampling of what I came home with*
Jeremy watched Sierra and Makenna, while my mom, Kameryn, and I made our way to the party. My friend, Amanda, and her mom were hosting. Amanda had everything looking so beautiful and festive in her home. The tree looked like something straight out of Martha Stewart, and all the tables were decorated perfectly. I don't get out much, so it was such a treat to be able to spend the evening with some of the sweetest ladies around. {And it didn't hurt that we got to sample cookies while we visited!}
I plopped Kam in the Ergo, and set to work displaying my cookies
*I didn't get a good shot of my display, but you can kind of see it in this picture.*
We had to vote on the best-tasting cookie and the prettiest cookie. And let me tell you, there were some delicious cookies there! It was tough trying to come up with the best-tasting. And they were all displayed so beautifully. In the end, I just had to choose one of my many favorites.
I was absolutely blown away by receiving the honor of Prettiest Cookie/Display. Wow. I was not expecting that. Amanda had a gorgeous poinsettia for me as a prize. Is that the sweetest thing ever? It was such a lovely evening. And while I was snacking on cookies and visiting with friends, Jeremy and the girls went to visit my dad and wrap the presents they had picked out for me. Adorable.
Up next is cookie baking with Geri today. We may even brave the crowds and go shopping with her. Tomorrow is the church Christmas program. We are no longer attending our old church, but I would still like to go to the program. Most of Jeremy's family attends church there, and it would be nice to see everyone. I just can't imagine Christmas without that fellowship. Monday night Jeremy has a meeting, so we will most likely be finishing up our wrapping. Tuesday night we are planning on heading up to look at lights at a beautiful house up the road. They go all out with train and village displays, caroling, hot cocoa and cookies, about a million inflatables, the works! I'm hoping to meet up with Amanda and her family so we can enjoy it together. Wednesday night I think we are planning on having the grandparents over for dinner, and Thursday night is CHRISTMAS EVE! WOW! These last few days are going to fly right by!
How are you spending your last 6 days before Christmas? Are you all caught up and ready to go {please don't tell me if you are ;)}? Or do you have a mile-long running list {like me}?

Should I just call this Flashback Saturday???
Another week, another missed pregnancy journal. It's not that I forgot. There was just too many other things going on ;) So, here we go again. Flashback Saturday: Pregnancy Journal Week 29
{originally submitted December 23, 2008}
Week 29 ~ A White Christmas
We are working on week two of extreme winter weather here in the Northwest. We have enjoyed snow (and more snow!), freezing rain, and ice over the last week and a half, with no real break. Thank goodness I had finished my Christmas shopping the week before, because, other than a quick trip to the grocery store, we have been snowed in!
It’s been a fairly uneventful week around here, mostly filled with sledding and snowman-building. The girls love playing in the snow. Sierra would stay out in it all day long if I let her. It seems Makenna has finally come down with Fifths Disease. I had thought she had already had it, but I was proven wrong. It started with very rosy cheeks about a week ago, and has resulted in quite the rash, but other than that it doesn’t seem to be bothering her.
Due to the unexpected winter weather, we’re not sure of our plans for Christmas. We will, of course, enjoy our own little Christmas morning here at home, and then head to Jeremy’s parents mid-morning (they live right up the road) to celebrate with them. However, my brother and sister and their families live in Portland, and may have a hard time driving out to my parents (who live right next door) on Christmas day if we don’t get a break from the snow and ice. It looks like we will have to wait and see!
Baby girl (that’s right, still no name for this little princess!), remains as active as ever. Now that space is limited, she’s doing more stretching than kicking. The days of somersaults are over! Sierra and Makenna get a kick out of watching my tummy move, and they love talking to her. They tell her “goodnight” every night, and greet her every morning. They’ve even started finding their own “treasures” around the house that they think she might like, and have wrapped them in Christmas paper to set under the tree. They want to make sure she has presents on Christmas morning as well. They are so sweet!
Wishing you the most special Christmas ever, full of memories and celebration!

Friday, December 18, 2009
Countdown to Christmas, Week 3 ♥
I've so enjoyed our Countdown to Christmas together! It's been such fun reading about what y'all have been doing {and finding more ideas to do with my own girls!}. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing! This will be our last week {sniffle}, as next Friday is . . . Christmas! Can you believe it??? Enjoy these last few days of Christmas magic, and take in every moment!
This week I'm going to try to contain my use of pictures. It's been getting out of hand, I know.We've had another busy week!We made the most adorable little rudolph candy canes. Makenna got a kick out of these little cuties.
We made dozens {and dozens} of cookies on Saturday. Yum.
{They're all gone now, of course. Oops.}
Wreath magnets were our project for Sunday.
Monday we colored wooden picture frame ornaments.
Tuesday was a BIG day. The first day of our Danish Christmas celebration! The girls wake up to a small present in their stockings each day from December 15-24. Tuesday's gift: A personalized snowflake necklace. {Sierra won't take it off in hopes that the necklace will magically bring snow ;) Hasn't helped yet.}
We also went to see The Princess and the Frog on Tuesday. And even Kam sat through the entire thing! After the movie we went to Lil' Cooperstown, a favorite restaurant of ours, for some yummy eats. And drinks! Kenners enjoyed an Oreo Milkshake. She liked dipping her fingers in the whipped cream.
And Sierra got this yummy drink. Wildberry Flurry. After lunch we hit the store for a few more rolls of wrapping paper, and an ornament for Kam's first Christmas :)
Wednesday we had planned to make reindeer ornaments, but we got so busy wrapping presents all afternoon, that we ran out of time. Hey, that happens sometimes. So, we decided to use "wrapping presents" as our activity. The girls LOVE being in charge of the tape ;)
Thursday was Sierra and Makenna's shopping trip with Daddy. It is so sweet to see them march out the door with Jeremy to pick out presents for me. Such special time for them together.
And today. Well, today we plan to make more of our Christmas boxes. Remember those? But I'm sure we'll be doing much more than that ;)
What have you been up to this week? Are you running hither and yon, like us? Do tell! Link up below so we can check it out! And enjoy this last week before Christmas. I haven't been spending as much time blog reading as I'd like, but there is so much left to be done. I will be back, I promise! :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Holly Bloggy Christmas Bash, Day 3
Day three of Holly Bloggy Christmas Bash brings us to Heidi's! Heidi from Blue Eyed Blessings is such an inspiration. She's so super crafty, and I just love all her ideas. She asks us what kind of Christmas crafting we've been up to. Well . . .
Snowflake decorations,
and mini trees.
I also love applique. A baby can never have too many Christmas onesies.
What kind of crafting have you been up to?
Go visit Heidi for more Christmas craft ideas, and to share your own!