Is it just me or do Fridays sneak right up on ya?
Around here, Friday means Flashback Pregnancy Journals!
Wanna catch up? Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15
{originally submitted September 24, 2008}
Week 16 ~ Fancy Footwork
Dance classes have officially begun! Can I just mention how adorable it was to see Makenna out there on the stage tapping away? It was fun to watch Sierra too, but this is nothing new for Sierra. She’s an “old pro”. For Makenna it was a milestone. She tends to be pretty shy and a little hesitant to try new things, so to watch her wave goodbye as she trotted up the steps to the stage and take her place among the nine other little girls in their pink tutus . . . oh, it was one of those moments. Never mind that I tear up at the drop of a hat even when I’m not pregnant. It was a happy day all around. Makenna loved her class, Sierra got to reunite with dance friends from last year (and may I mention that her technique has improved tremendously over the summer), and I got to have some visit time with other moms!
I can’t believe how quickly this week has flown by. We started with a trip to the doctor for Makenna. She has had a bit of a cough since our Labor Day trip to the beach. But it was off and on and nothing horrible, so I didn’t think too much about it. I figured it was due to allergies or the change in the weather. Then last week, (just about Friday evening, of course), the cough started getting worse and it was constant, to the point where no one was getting sleep at night. Did I mention that it was just about the time our humidifier quit working? After a couple of nights of very little sleep, and still the cough, I took her in. Looks like it’s just a viral infection, and I do think she’s getting better. Welcome to Fall, huh?
While we were in town for the appointment we stopped by the fabric store, as Sierra has been begging for new bedding for the last month. She picked out some very soft, snuggly fabric for her duvet cover that will be perfect for the chilly months ahead. And I found some fabric to re-upholster our dining room chairs. Why, oh why, anyone would think that ivory fabric was a good choice for dining room chairs is beyond me. I’m hoping to get both projects completed this week. I’ll let you know next week if motivation or exhaustion won out.
Next week is our ultrasound. Sierra is so excited that she’s counting down the days. I have to admit, I’m pretty excited myself. I really haven’t had many appointments yet, and I’m starting to get anxious to hear the heartbeat again. I haven’t been feeling a lot of movement lately, and am a little worried about that. I’m thinking that 16/17 weeks is still a little early to be feeling strong movement every day. Or maybe I’m not paying enough attention . . . we have been on the go a lot lately. Any positive thoughts/prayers for the baby’s health and safety would be greatly appreciated. And by next week, hopefully my mind will be put at ease when we see a healthy baby on the screen, and perhaps we’ll even know whether we are welcoming a son or daughter to our family.
Until next week, blessings!

And a girl it is! Again, I LOVE these posts!
Liz, I love reading your "flashbacks". It is a reminder of all the special moments your dad and I have shared with you and your wonderful family!
Another beautiful girl to add to your family!
Are the girls still doing dance this year?
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