Whoops! Is it Friday? Really?
Ugh, I'm battling this horrible head-cold/virus type of thing
and I'm just walking around like a zombie.
Remembering to post at 5:30 is better than not remembering at all, right?
Okay, here it is. Then I'm off to bed.
{Or to clean house, take care of children, and have dinner, whatever}.
{Originally submitted September 17, 2008}
Week 15 ~ Surf, Sun, and so much Fun!!!
We have been planning a ‘Girls Only’ trip to the beach with my mother-in-law for several weeks now, and the time finally came. Lucky for us we couldn’t have chosen a better weekend; the weather was absolutely gorgeous. We left after Sunday School and made it to the coast by 3pm, checked in to our hotel, and immediately hit the sand. No jackets or sweaters required, it was so warm. After getting quite sandy and a little chilly after a dip in the ocean, we changed clothes and went to dinner. The plan was to get some scrapbooking done while we were there (Sierra, especially, loves to scrapbook!), but there was so little time, we didn’t get too much accomplished. Needless to say, we had a wonderful time. We will definitely have to make it an annual event.
I think we’re finally getting organized and easing in to the school year. Sierra and I make it a priority to get up and get moving, and get our “responsibilities” accomplished first thing. She is now responsible for making her own bed, getting dressed, and brushing her teeth without being told. So far it’s hard to keep Makenna’s attention on any sort of “work” at the table, but she's only three. She may settle in for a few minutes to color a picture, or join in for a craft, but mostly school time is a quiet play time for her. Luckily she’s a very late riser, and on most days Sierra and I have a good hour of schooling in before Makenna is even out of bed.
Both girls will be starting dance classes next week. Sierra has been taking dance lessons since she was three, but this will be the first year for Makenna. We are all looking forward to seeing our “dance friends” again. I also enjoy the routine. I think that’s one of the reasons I enjoy Fall so much. Don’t get me wrong, I love the spontaneity of Summer, but it’s nice to get back to a routine as well. And honestly, I think I’m ready for a weather change. I love the sunshine, but we’ve been having ninety degree weather here. I’m ready for it to cool off a bit. I am having a hard time fitting into most of my regular clothes, and all of my maternity clothes are for cooler weather.
I’m finally getting some relief from some first trimester pests. Only two weeks ago I was getting up 7 or 8 times every night to use the bathroom, and I’m so happy to say that I’m now down to 2 or 3. And now that Sierra and Makenna are sleeping most nights in their own beds, I’m getting much more sleep at night. Somehow I still manage to be exhausted, but the nausea is under control now, and I couldn’t be happier to officially be in the second trimester.
Well, only two weeks until our ultrasound. The girls are so excited!
Until next week, many blessings,

It is so fun to read your flashback Friday posts.
I have a cold too and my throat was killing me all day. I hope we are both better soon.
Oh I remember the bathroom visits from early pregnancy and then again late pregnancy.:) I felt like I lived in there.
Hope you feel better soon.
I love reading these old journal entries! It must be so much fun for you as well!!
I totally remember the zillions of bathroom trips in the middle of the night. My OB was always nagging me about making sure I was drinking enough water (dehydration = contractions) but then I'd always have to pee...it was an evil cycle!!
Hope you feel better soon!
I'm loving these posts.
I love reading these flashbacks, because I just need a reminder of how it was. Has it already been a year? I am so blessed to live right next door to this beautiful family!
Your "girls only" weekend sounds fabulous! Did you manage to get it in again this year?
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