Last summer, when I was newly pregnant with Kam, I was asked to keep a weekly journal for Storknet, an online pregnancy and parenting community. I am so glad to have the entries to look back on and remember all the events surrounding my pregnancy with her. Recently, I was reading a few of the entries, and I thought it might be fun to re-publish them here as a Flashback Friday installment. I started the entries almost exactly one year ago, August 2008, when I was 12 weeks along.
Week 12 ~ Movement Already?
The beginning of this week started with some fluttering. I dismissed it, skeptical that I was feeling movement already. But now, at the end of week 12, I know I’m not imagining it. This little pumpkin is moving in there! I only feel it very occasionally, usually after I’ve had something to eat, and if I am lying down. But there’s no mistaking, he or she is actually moving! So very exciting!
We celebrated Sierra’s 6th birthday this week. I cannot believe my “baby” is six already. I honestly don’t know where the time goes. Sierra has gone back and forth about wanting to get her ears pierced for the last year or so, and in honor of her sixth birthday, she finally decided she was ready. We made the 45 minute drive to the mall, picked out the most sparkly earrings available, and I braced myself for some tears. Can you believe that not one tear was shed? She didn’t even say “ouch”. I was so impressed with my brave little girl. And she could not have been happier with the new sparkle adorning her ears. After getting the run-down on ear care, we made it over to Build-A-Bear and both of the girls picked out new furry friends to take home. Needless to say, I had two very happy girls.
This was our last week of summer vacation here. We will start our home-school year this next week. Our books came in the mail on Monday, and I can’t wait to get started. Last year Sierra was in Kindergarten, so we took a pretty laid-back approach. But now that she is in first grade, we need to be more serious about our studies. I think we are all looking forward to getting back on a schedule. We had a fun-filled summer, but I am ready to welcome fall. I just love this time of year when we can enjoy warm, sunny days and cool, crisp evenings.
Now we play the waiting game. My next OB appointment is in 6 weeks. That is when our ultrasound is scheduled, and hopefully we’ll be able to find out if this little sugarplum is a boy or a girl. Sierra hopes for a baby brother, and Makenna would like a baby sister. Of course we will be happy no matter what. Our first concern is for a healthy baby. But I can’t wait to start planning.
That is it for now. I hope this week finds you all smiling!

How wonderful that you have these moments written down!
That was such a sweet post...isn't it fun to go back and read all those entries? I have a diary from way back when we began trying to conceive all the way through both pregnancies and then some. I always like to look back at that diary and just randomly pick an entry and read it.
And just think how much your kids will appreciate having that as well, when they're older, to look back on.
Oh how I wish I'd kept a pregnancy journal...maybe next time!
Loved reading this post.
I enjoyed reading those memories and know that they must mean so much to you. Of course, we remeber some "not so good" memories from that time, but look at our little beauty now!
Oh, I really wish I had done that! That is exactly why I started blogging. It's my family scrapbook and more.
How neat to have them all written down like that. Awesome! Movement at 12 weeks that is so cool. I always loved that feeling.
that is so neat!!! awesome to have!
How cool that you can look back at that journal! I wish I would have done something like that.
That is great that you have that written down. Your girls will love that (and your blog) as they get older.
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