Life has been a little busy lately.
Who am I kidding?
Life is usually busy around here.
We've been enjoying the last few weeks of Summer,
and, boy, have we packed in the activities!
My sister and her family have been here visiting since last Friday.
{Pictures are coming, trust me}
There have been preparations for Sierra's seventh birthday,
and finally her big day!
And the next couple of weeks are filled with "must-do's" before Fall sets in.
Well-child checks, Dental appointments, and a couple short trips before
School Starts!
But, before I fall off the blog planet again,
I just had to mention an unexpected surprise
that I am more excited about than should reasonably be allowed.
I am a giveaway enterer {is this a word???}
I don't spend a lot of time doing it, but every once in awhile I will enter.
And I've won a couple of times.
Not long ago, I even won a GORGEOUS dress for Sierra from
{Please go check out this shop. Her designs are to-die-for!}
I was ecstatic.
Really, I could hardly contain myself.
I figured, I had really hit the jackpot,
and was convinced I would never win again.
So, imagine my surprise, a couple of weeks ago,
when I get an email from Kmart Design for their Fall Style Giveaway,
notifying me that I won a gift card to Kmart.
In all honesty, I almost didn't open the email.
I get a lot of junk email these days, and I almost, almost hit delete.
And truth be told . . . I had sort of forgotten that I had even entered!
But I didn't delete the email.
And I'm so glad I didn't.
I received my $100 gift card in the mail the other day.
I know I sound lame, but
I'm so excited to have one hundred FREE dollars to spend!
I've spent the last few days trying to decide what I'll pick out.
You are super-cool in my book!
And, as long as I'm handing out Thank Yous . . .
A big thanks to Lisa {Onegirliegirl} and
Vivienne for more wonderful blog awards!
I'm sure there are others I've forgotten, and I do apologize
for being so horrible about posting these wonderful treasures.
I miss y'all, but will be back soon!

I'd be thrilled w/a Kmart giftcard! I'd have to spend it online though, seeing as how they closed all Kmarts in TX about 10 years ago.
Wow you got alot of cool stuff. 100 dollar gift card? Awesome.
I can't wait to see the pictures, Liz! Yes, we have been busy; haven't we!
Wow, look at you. You're just busy all around. Enjoy the start of your school year.
$100 at Kmart??? Dream come true for me! Can't wait to see more pics of all the fun you've been having.
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