Back again for another installment of Flashback Friday ~ Pregnancy Journals!
{Is it really Friday again, already???}
Want to catch up?
{I have to laugh that I was an organizational mess at this time last year, too! Hmmm, I guess I have a hard time switching gears after Summer vacation.}
(Originally submitted September 10, 2008)
Week 14 ~ An Organizational Mess ~
Week 14 started with a trip to visit my sister and new niece. It was a long drive for the girls (5 hours in the car Wednesday, and another 5 in the car Thursday), but so worth it. My mom came along for the drive, so that was a big help. It was so wonderful to hold a brand new baby again. I forgot how tiny they are! I kept looking at little Sonoma and thinking “there’s no way my daughters were ever that small”, but they, of course, were. It’s amazing how fast they grow. While it was a super fast trip - we were in town for less than 24 hours - we tried to fit in a lot of visiting. Wednesday night we went to dinner at a delicious Italian restaurant. My sister, niece, mom, the girls, and I met my aunt and uncle, another aunt, and a family friend. It was so much fun to catch up. And now we are home, and back in the swing of things.
All is going well on the home schooling front, but I am finding that I am going to need to step it up in the organization department. I’ve just been so tired lately that I don’t always feel like jumping out of bed in the morning. Sometimes I like to read for a little bit or just snuggle my girls. Inevitably I wander around the house finding things that need to be straightened, and then it’s on to the computer where I check my email and website (I run a very small children’s boutique online). Before I know it I’m rushing around to get a shower before we start school, and I feel so unorganized! While I don’t necessarily want to constantly follow a rigid schedule, I am challenging myself to get up early and get myself ready first thing so that I’m ready to face the day by the time the girls are awake and ready to go. I think it’s important, for us, to stick to some sort of schedule on our schooling days, and I need to take responsibility for that. At least I am recognizing this now, and not two months from now. Of course, come Spring, when we add a new baby to the mix, all talk of schedules might go right out the window!
Just as I thought I was getting over the nausea, it hit hard again. The girls and I went to my in-laws to visit on Saturday evening. Geri (my mother-in-law), and I both teach Sunday School at our church, and we wanted to do some planning for lessons and crafts. After dinner Sierra started asking to stay the night, but she wanted me to stay too, so I ran home and gathered up a few things. When it was time to get ready for bed I started brushing my teeth, as usual, and it hit me. I don’t know if it was some sort of gag reflex or what, but the next twenty minutes were spent with my head in the toilet. Not pretty. And it just seems to come from nowhere.
Tomorrow I am planning on doing a little bit of clothes shopping. I am already having a hard time fitting into most of my “regular” clothes, but my maternity clothes seem way too big yet. I could really use a few pieces of transitional clothing, and also a couple more
maternity outfits, as my closet seems pretty bare. The girls love to shop, Sierra in particular, and my mom is coming along, so it will be a fun outing.
Hope you all have had a wonderful week!

I love that you did this. The nausea sounds so horrible. I never had morning sickness. However, the pregnancy gods were fair and I got big as a house and drooled so much in my sleep that it woke me up and drove HH to the couch.
Time sure flies and look at your sweet baby now! Crazy!
I never got the morning sickness...the good Lord knows how much I hate throwing up so He spared me...I truly believe that. I did not like the transition clothes phase...because I felt just fat...not pregnant, then that belly got round and I loved it. So fun!
This is so much fun to read!! My morning sickness wasn't too bad but I had horrible acid reflux and heartburn throughout both pregnancies. And it was especially bad at the end when I was pg with Cole and Bella.
My morning sickness was so bad too!! I used to just look at a toilet and throw up :(
I so enjoy this glimpse into your pregnancy!
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