Recently I've been feeling nostalgic.
Last week I mentioned that I had come across my Storknet pregnancy journal, from when I was pregnant with Kam. I thought it would be fun to publish them weekly, as a Flashback on Fridays. If only to reminisce. I don't know if it's because my oldest just turned seven yesterday, or because my youngest will be seven months old soon, but I'm feeling like time is getting away from me, and I'm feeling all . . . emotional. {Oh, who am I kidding? I'm always feeling emotional!} So here goes, another weekly installment of Flashback Friday Pregnancy Journal.
{Wanna catch up? Find Week 12 Here}
{Originally submitted September 4, 2008}
Week 13
A Little Sun, A Little Sand
At the last minute we decided to take a trip to the beach over Labor Day weekend. Elk season is just beginning, and Jeremy had planned on heading over to the coast to do some hunting. Just as he was getting ready to leave he asked if we wanted to come with him. We, of course, were delighted at the prospect of spending the weekend with our toes in the sand! We packed our bags and were on our way. The weather was gorgeous (a rarity on the Oregon coast). Not too windy, and plenty of sunshine. The girls had so much fun making sand castles, feeding the seals, and riding on the carousel, but boy was it packed! I guess everyone else had the same great idea to spend the last true weekend of summer at the beach.
On Wednesday we are heading south to visit my sister. She just had her second baby a couple of weeks ago, and we’ve been dying to see the little princess ever since! Sierra and Makenna are so excited to be able to meet their new cousin. It’s about a five hour drive to my sister’s house, and it’ll be a quick trip: down on Wednesday, home on Thursday. I hope we make it without too much drama. We were just down there a few weeks ago for the baby shower, and the drive can be a long one for a 3 year old and 6 year old, especially after the 3 hour trip to the beach last weekend. We’ll just have to make sure to pack plenty of coloring books, activities, and, yes, the DVD player.
It’s hard to believe that I’m finishing up the first trimester already. I continue to be hungry all the time, and pretty tired too. If I could just get some good, uninterrupted sleep (what’s that, right?), I think it would help. But I am up constantly to go to the bathroom. There are many nights that I get out of bed 7 or 8 times! And not a night goes by that I don’t get up at least 3-4 times. But at least I’m not feeling quite so sick. The first couple of months were pretty miserable, and if I wasn’t shoveling food in my mouth, I was very nauseated. I still have a hard time finding something that sounds good to eat. I’ve really been craving vegetables, and I could eat a salad for every meal, but other than that, everything else sounds pretty blah. We did happen upon this wonderful restaurant while we were at the coast, and I had the best clam chowder ever! It was pretty rich though, and I’d had a salad to start, so I could only manage a few bites. Jeremy had to finish the rest.
Through food aversions, cravings, exhaustion, and all of the other “perks” that come with the first trimester of pregnancy, I’m trying to enjoy every minute. After all, I’ll never get these moments back.
Until next week, Blessings!

I so wish I had written a journal like this through my pregnancies. How special.
This is so cool. I'm glad you're doing this.
Popped in from Jenn's to say hi!
WHat a neat idea- I wish I had journaled my pregnancy now!!
And the emotional thing- I have it bbbbaaaddddd. Every milestone Ian hits, I think to myself...this is the last time he'll do this or this is my last hoo!
If you think 7 is hard...wait till 8! Seems Riley's become a little tween right before my eyes.
Love the journal entry!
I have an award for you :)
xoxo ~Lisa
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