We are freshly home {and unpacked, and laundered!}
from our annual beach trip with Nana and Gramps.
It was a super quick trip this time, because life = BUSY.
But we had so so much fun!
We started the trip with a stop at Camp 18 :
For IQ games and yummy food.
And, of course, our traditional photo out front.
It was overcast, and a little chilly, but that didn't stop us from
walking the boardwalk.
There were thousands and thousands of these blue, jelly-fish-looking thingamajigs
all over the beach.
So, obviously I googled it, and they are called: Velella Velella.
They wash up by the billions each Spring along the Oregon Coast.
They are just beautiful!
After a stroll we headed to Funland to play some games.
Then more beach combing,
And modeling ;)
We decided to come home a bit early to get a jump start on a busy weekend,
but what fun we had!