Oh my my.
Hold on like, forever, while I {try to} let that sink in.
My oldest baby girl, I can hardly believe you are sixteen years old today.
How could it have been SIXTEEN YEARS AGO
that they laid you on my chest, and said, "congratulations"?
Sixteen years since tiny baby toes, and little newborn sounds.
In some ways it is heartbreaking to watch you grow.
To watch you head out, navigating life more and more on your own.
In others it makes my heart burst to see all you've accomplished.
The adventures that lie ahead of you are full of excitement!
Sierra Elizabeth, you:
Love to read.
You devour a book the minute you pick it up.
Are super organized.
You make lists every day to ensure you get everything accomplished.
Are a bit of a dreamer.
Always reaching for the ideal, and hoping for the best in every situation.
Are an AWESOME helper.
If we need something done, we go to you.
You are always willing to help, no matter how large the task.
You love big, are fiercely loyal, and have a heart of gold.
And we cannot wait to see what new adventures you face in the coming year.
Love you bigger than the sky!