Last night I had a dream that Sierra was turning 18, not 17.
And that she and her friend were moving away from me forever.
I woke up crying.
Like, literal tears streaming down my face while I struggled to catch my breath.
One more year of “whole” family dinners ‘round the dinner table.
Of Sissy flopping down on my bed, keeping me company as I wash my face each night.
One more year of family vacations, and movie nights.
Of girl talk and daydreams and plans.
It physically hurts to think about what it will be like when she no longer lives at home.
But then, it’s simultaneously exciting to think about the future God has in store for her.
Oh how I wish they would have prepared me for this roller coaster of emotion when I was in the hospital with her, seventeen years ago.
We only have them such a short time y’all.
Which means I’d better focus on the 365 days ahead of me.
And cherish the memories from the last 6,208.
Sierra Elizabeth:
You are beautiful, smart, and kind.
You are neat and tidy, and need everything to be in its place.
You are organized and determined.
You know how to get things done, and almost always
have an idea of the perfect way to do it.
You are the best big sister. Ever.
God knew exactly what your little sisters would need:
Guidance, love, and protection.
They have all that and more in you.
You are strong and capable, yet soft and compassionate.
You love to get dressed up and wear makeup.
But you are at least as comfortable throwing on
Your hunting clothes and spending a week in the middle of nowhere
stalking Antelope.
Never in our wildest dreams could we have imagined the blessings you would bring to us.
Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!
We love you to the moon!!