Friday, August 29, 2014

Summer Catch Up

I can hardly believe that August is coming to a close. I guess that means it's time for a Summer Catch Up post, since it seems I'm lousy at keeping up with the blog.

We had the most memorable Family Reunion camp-out yet! 

We got to celebrate a pretty special milestone...

My Aunt and Uncle's 50th wedding anniversary!  I'd say they were pretty surprised!

We enjoyed a week of gorgeous sunsets...

Watching beautiful animals...

And taking in the lovely scenery.

And we had the company of some pretty wonderful people. Aunt Judy just happens to be Miss Taylor's "Favorite Girl Ever". And that's impressive, folks.

But the fun didn't slow down once we got home, oh no. 

We got to meet new babies! Very dangerous for a gal like me who is definitely having baby withdrawals. 

Family came for a visit ... 

and we made our annual trip to Enchanted Forest!

We celebrated a BUNCH of birthdays!

And the girls had a slumber party... We even made Kool-Aid Lipgloss.

I had more photos, but they're not uploading :( So you'll just have to use your imagination to envision lots o' partyin', cake, ice cream, and FUN!

I love Summer. This year, especially, we've crammed in a lot of activities.
But I think I'm ready for Fall. Sweaters and boots, candles, and baking... Yeah, I'm ready. How 'bout you?


1 comment :

Jenny said...

That looks like a great turn out for the family reunion! 50 years is awesome!

Oh the baby is so sweet. I love babies. I like when they go home too ;) LOL!


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