Saturday, May 8, 2010

Everything I've Always Wanted

Earlier today I was vacuuming. And thinking. I tend to do my best thinking while vacuuming. It's a good thing, too, because I spend a lot of time vacuuming.


I started thinking about all that I have. Of course I am regularly reminded of my blessings. But, I am ashamed to admit that I rarely take a lot of time to reflect just how very blessed I am.

From the time I was a young girl I knew I wanted to be a mom. I knew I wanted to stay at home with my babies. I wanted to live close to family. And, oh yeah, a nice house and lots of clothes and "things" wouldn't hurt. Oh what big dreams I had. Over the years some of what I thought I wanted has changed. By the time Makenna was born it no longer mattered that much to me what kind of house I lived in, what brand of clothes I wore, or how many gadgets we owned. Stuff is just stuff {but don't misunderstand me, I do so love my laptop, iPhone, and camera ;)}.

Today, while vacuuming, I realized that I have everything I've always wanted. More, in fact. I have a husband ~ my friend and life long partner to share this journey with; and three BEE-UTIFUL daughters who amaze me more and more every day with their kindness, love, and sweet ways. I get to be here with them, enjoying their presence daily simply because Jeremy knows how much it means to me to do so. He works extra hard to make my dreams a reality each and every day.

And here we are, in this new chapter of life, building our home together on this land we love out in the country.

Ahhh, God is good. God is so very good.

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Kelli said...

Nice are blessed and God is Good!

Tiffany said...

Love this, Liz! I feel the exact same way - so blessed. God is so good to us.

Foursons said...

So happy for you Liz. You have a lovely family.

He & Me + 3 said...

I am so happy for you. God is good & He does bless His Children. I love to read blog posts that are so thankful and that recognize where their blessings have come from.

Jenny said...

I do my best thinking right when I lay down for bed. LOL!

You have such a beautiful family!

When I was in college, I remember telling one of my teachers that all I wanted to be was a stay at home Mom. She laughed it off and said how that wouldn't be right and that I can't depend on a man for everything.

I'm thinking she was a manhater, but if she could only see me now...stay at home, homeschooling Mom! LOL!

~~Mel~~ said...

It's great to sit back and reflect on all that we really do have, isn't it? From day to day I catch myself caught up in the negative and easily frustrated...constantly on the go...but lately I am making it a point to count my blessings because there really are many!


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