Whew, it's been busy! In between the house building mishaps {oh yes, there have been a few}, errand-running, preparations for recital, and the usual, I have tried to squeeze in a little craft time. It's been nearly impossible, but a necessity. You see, I made some very sweet little dance necklaces for my tappers {stay tuned for pictures of those later}. My only concern was an adorable little boy who happens to be in my class. I just couldn't see him super excited about a necklace, so . . . craft time to the rescue! Surely I could find something to make him as an end of the year gift.
How about a Crayon Keeper? I love these things. Several years ago I made a couple for my older girls, and they still use them regularly. I like to use wool felt. It makes an already simple project, super easy peasy.
Anyone ready for a tutorial? I know, it's been awhile.
I use three pieces for the keeper. Two that get sewn together initially, and one for the outside to cover up threads and such that you don't want showing.

A project just isn't a project without a cute little applique embellishment.
Side note: Our class is dancing to "Sea Cruise", so I think this little fishy will be perfect!
I was in a bit of a hurry {shocker, I know}, so I didn't sew the fish on. I just used my handy dandy Steam A Seam 2 and ironed it right on. It's not goin' anywhere!
I suppose you could just attach the third piece of felt to the outside using a sewing machine {or even iron it together with Steam A Seam, but I love the way embroidery floss and a blanket stitch finishes it off.
And the inside, with all those gorgeous new crayons!
Now, find a coloring book, and you've got the perfect gift for any child on your list!
I plan on making more of these soon! :)
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Liz that is too adorable! I'm sure he will love it! I have been wanting to make some of these for my boys forever, but I just haven't gotten around to it! I think you have inspired me though:)
That is fantastic! Now can you explain how to make a blanket stitch?? :) Steam a seam?? I NEED some of that! I do applique on my baby blankets all the time!
I love it! I love how you included the little fish and the bubbles. That little guy is really going to love it.
What a perfect solution to the "boy" in your group! Great job, love it!
I love the little fishy!!!!!!!
So cute and perfect for long trips!
Love it! you have talent my girl!
Those turned out so cute. Great job. love the fishy.
That is adorable!!! Great work!!
so cute! love the colors!
what a cute idea! I love it! Thanks for sharing! You have a wonderful blog!
Come join the fun. I'm celebrating "sweet treats" with a giveaway on my blog!
Have a great weekend!
Love , Brenda
Deck the Halls of HOME with JOY!
This is so cute and clever!!!
Love the color combination and the fish!
Aww, that is so cute! I love the fish. =)
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