Thursday, October 7, 2010

Flat Tires, Movies, & Popcorn

Yesterday, after homeschool, the girls and I loaded into the car to go to the library. But as I was backing up I noticed my "check tires" light was on. Mmmkay, let's have a look. Sure enough, one of my tires was flat. Flatter than flat. There was no way we were going anywhere. Wish I could say I know how to change a tire, but sadly, I do not. Since Jeremy was at work, I called my dad, he put the spare on, and away I went to Les Schwab to have my poor flatty flat flat, flat-as-a-pancake tire fixed.

The girls were less than thrilled about the pit stop.

Until we settled in for the wait and they noticed . . .


A little movie on the iPhone . . .

A bag o' popcorn . . .

And some sisterly love . . .

. . . can turn any day around!

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Foursons said...

I have got to get me an IPhone. Your flat tire sounds much more enjoyable then mine the other day.

Heather said...

Cuties!!! Kam's hair is SO long :)
Glad you were able to get it fixed. I think any outing can be an adventure with the right attitude :D

Jenny said...

Bummer! It looks like you all made the best of it!

Kelli W said...

I hate getting flat tires. I have learned how to air mine up at home because somehow I always find that stray nail in the middle of the road! I love when places like that have snacks. The dealership that I bought my car from has a big popcorn machine...makes waiting with kiddos alot easier!

Kelly said...

Awww, man! That stinks but way to turn lemons into lemonade ;) Yay for your dad, too! I love the sisterly love - so sweet!

Kasey said...

Bonus on the popcorn! It was meant to be, you all got some great bonding time at a random place. Phones are so handy these days.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Popcorn makes everything better!!!

Coffee Is My Love Language said...

I'm pretty sure Les Schwab stole my business plan. I love popcorn and I'm pretty sure it completes me. Did you know it's National Popcorn Month? Oh yes it is and what a beautiful thing.

I wonder if there is a National Coffee Month...?

I don't know how to change a flat either... I'm privately happy about that - I put it in with the don't know how to mow the lawn category.

Miller Racing Family said...

I am so glad you all found some good even with a flat. Those smiles are worth a million bucks.
I hope you have a great weekend!

Connie said...

I'm always afraid of flats. and i don't know how to change them either.

shortmama said...

I do know how to change a flat but Id call someone to come rescue me anyway...the lug nuts are on so tight I couldnt get them off anyway!


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