It's been a miserable couple of days at the Fraijo house. I caught my second stomach bug in two months, blech! I'm kind of wondering where my immune system has gone ;) When I was a teen I was always sick battling strep throat, tonsillitis, pneumonia, or some sort of virus, but since becoming a mama it seems my immune system kicked into high gear. Apparently, no longer. Anyway.
These photos were taken before I developed the close, personal relationship with the toilet.
These photos were taken before I developed the close, personal relationship with the toilet.
I love moments like these. Kenners and Kam struggle to get along sometimes. So when they're snuggled together, it just melts my heart.
Is this the cutest little project you've ever seen? Sierra made this "paw cloth" {to wipe dirty paws before furry friends come into the house} ~ almost entirely by herself. We don't have any indoor animals at the moment, so she wants to give it to Jeremy's good friend who has many dogs, for his birthday.
And this little pumpkin . . . she turns 2 this week! Oh my my, where does the time go? So hard to believe that at this time two years ago I was {im}patiently awaiting her {EARLY} arrival from my hospital room.

Oh so sorry it has hit your house! Feel better soon!
I cannot believe she is almost 2! Great the snuggle picture!
Such a cute craft too for the pets paws!!
Oh my, I hope you are feeling better. How exciting that Kam is turning 2.
Oh man! That suh-huks! I hipe you feel better really soon!
That pink hat is so cute. Feel better.
Oh no! Not the flu! Sorry friend.
How can that little angel be turning 2?
Sorry you have all been sick! There is all kinds of stuff going around right now, it makes me not want to leave the house!
I can't believe Kam will be 2 this week! How is that possible?!
Bummer. I hope you feel better soon!
Oh no! Not again!!
Hope you are on the mend now!
We've been battling an annoying cold but nothing like that stomach bug I've heard is going around. Fingers crossed that we don't get it!
Seems like everyone is getting sick right now! Hope you feel better soon, we have somehow managed to avoid any sickness for months!
Poor Mama, there's nothing worse than being sick AND pregnant!!!
I hope you are feeling better! The stomach bug is the worst...especially when you are pregnant! Kam looks so cute in that last picture:)
So sorry you've been so sick!! Praying it's over soon!
GREAT pics of the girls! Love the little paw cloth! Too cute!
ew... sorry about the flu!! ick! I am the only one not vaccinated this year and so far I have escaped misery! Hope you feel better soon!! I love the paw towel!! we need at least a hand towel by the door... our hairy beauty gets wet!! =) especially when the fur grows on his paws... he gets alot of fur on his paws!! =) Drink lots of hot yummy drinks when you can... we love hot tang ... yep... tang when we are sick!! =)
That 'moment' between your girls is just delightful.
I hope you feel better soon....
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