At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I truly do not know where the time has gone.
{Warning: Picture overload ahead!}
{Squeal} Look at how teeny tiny you are, Miss Kameryn! Sierra's little six year old hands are bigger than your head!
This was one of the very few times that your thumb ever found your mouth, and I thought it was the most.precious.thing.ever!
I'm sorry, but there is nothing sweeter than a soundly sleeping baby. Those pouty little lips are too precious.

Was this really a year ago? Your first birthday was kind of quiet {due to some sicky sisters}, but you enjoyed it just the same.

And today, when I tried to get a few shots of you, you pretty much ignored me. Until I was about to put my camera away. And then it was "Cheese. Cheese, Mama!"
Just for my own {dwindling} memory :)
The things I love the most:
♥ You are the best cuddler ever. You could snuggle for hours.
♥ You spend a lot of time looking through photos. I have never known a child your age who loves looking through albums and scrapbooks so much. Each time we go to Nana's you take out all 400 albums and search them thoroughly. And our photo storage boxes get drug out at least once or twice a day.
♥ You love to be on the go! You are happiest when we have errands to run and things to go and see. You love to be outdoors, and you continue to enjoy people-watching.
♥ You can be so sweet and helpful. You genuinely enjoy doing thoughtful things for others, and that just warms my heart.
A few things we're working on ;)
♥ You REALLY enjoy the word "no". We need to work on this, sugar dumplin'.
♥ You tend to hit your sissies sometimes. Actually, you hit Kenners quite a bit. If she gets too close, if she says something you don't like, if she doesn't let you play with her babies. Sometimes even for no reason. Let's grow out of it quick, mmmkay.
You bring so much joy to our family, Kam! Happy 2nd birthday!!! Oh how we love you.

I absolutely adore the picture of her and the pink flower as well. I can't believe that she's two. She still have the sweetest cheeks ever!
She's absolutely adorable! :)
I just love the pictures! She is so precious!
Happy Birthday to your little Kameryn, I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Kameryn!
Each day you are a reminder of how very blessed our family is. A very special little girl, that God gave our family to remind us daily of his love and amazing grace. You are cherished and loved Miss Kameryn, hope your birthday is as special as you are. Love you, Gramma
Happy birthday Kameryn Faith! You are beautiful. I love the pic of you and her in the tulip field. Gorgeous. Have a great day.
AWE!!! Sweet girl...even though she does like the word "no" and she is into physical contact. :P
LOVE love LOVE the pictures!!
Happiest 2nd Birthday, Kam!♥
2 already??? Where oh where has the time gone??
Kam is as precious as ever...getting more and more beautiful daily. Happy Birthday sweet girl.
Happy Birthday Sweet Kam!
She is such a cutie! I love those pouty lips and those pigtails just kill me:) I hope Kam has a wonderful birthday!
Happy Birthday!!
That little lip is adorable!
Happy Birthday, sweet little girl!
those pictures are priceless-thank you for sharing! she is SUCH a doll. seriously! happy birthday little kam!
She is just adorable! I LOVE LOVE LOVE looking at pics so this was PERFECT! I love her name too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET BABY GIRL!
*Apparently I felt like using capital letters. I promise I'm not yelling at you.
Your love for her (and all your daughters) is such a beautiful thing. What lucky little girls :)
Happy birthday to your sweet baby girl.
Such a doll-baby she is.
I caught up and saw you spend the day at the sorry you have had the cruds. I hope all is better now and you are taking it easy.
awwww! Happy Birthday sweet girl!! I love those pictures! I especially love the one that you said was one of your all time favorites with the flower in her hair. Oh. Em. Gee. So Cute!
I don't think I knew that her middle name is Faith. Did you know Bailey's is Grace??
What a doll she is... I love how you spell her name!! Sweet sweet times... long gone from my memory... I wish I had blogged when my babies were little... there would be more recorded written memories!! *sigh* :)
I'm so behind on blog reading!
Happy belated birthday, Kam!
She is just the cutest thing! Look at that smile. I can't believe she's 2 either. I remember some of these pics when you first posted them!
I had to laugh about her liking the word "no" and hitting. Such a fun stage she's in. ;)
I'm late! Happy belated birthday Kameryn. She looks and sounds like a very joyful soul. What a precious gift!
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