So . . . this week . . . not the greatest. Remember the {ew!} stomach flu? The stomach flu that was supposed to last 24 hours {that's what everyone kept telling me}. 24 hours, my foot! After throwing up pretty much every 15 minutes all day Saturday, Sunday was a little better. And by Monday I was feeling quite a bit better. I even did a quick clean of the new house, and went on a {tiny} nature walk with the girls. I had kept water down, chicken noodle soup, and even some crackers. Oh yeah, I was feeling pretty confident.
So I made some dinner for my family. Twice baked potatoes {I have a serious love of potatoes}, steaks, salad, and rolls. I was very careful. I ate slowly. I did not over-eat. I didn't even have but a bite of steak. But shortly after dinner I just wasn't feeling right. I knew I should've stuck with the dang chicken noodle!
I went to bed thinking that if I just got some sleep, I'd feel better in the morning. Instead, I was up all night, rekindling my relationship with the toilet. By Tuesday morning I was just miserable, and {sorry if this continues to be WAY too much information}, I just didn't have anything left to throw up.
So . . . any guesses as to where I spent a little time on Tuesday?
No? Need more clues?
I wound up on IVs for 7 hours. When they told me I'd be there that long I almost spun right around and left. Usually I'm not a baby, but when it comes to pregnancy, I didn't want to take any chances. The extra fluid turned out to be just what I needed, and I am now feeling much better!
But I have to say, all the stomach bug business has put quite a damper on my week!
How about y'all? Please tell me you are having a better week.

Oh no! I'm glad you are better though. My sister and her boys had a stomach bug this week too. She said it's the worst she's ever had.
Abby is sick, but just cough, stuffy nose and fever. I'll take that over the stomach virus any day!
I hope you stay feeling well!
Aw, Liz! I had to go to the hospital once to get two bags of fluids after being dehydrated (and while pregnant) from a stomach bug. I didn't want to go, but I felt so much better after that I wished I had done it sooner. Keep that baby safe :)
Yuk, yuk...I really hope you are feeling better and never, ever get it again.
I'm sorry lady, that is no fun! I;m glad that you've got to feeling better! I've been there before... sick for 4 straight days to the point where I didn't even have the energy to walk. Went to the hospital and was hooked up to an IV for 5 hours & then recovery was steady from then on! Those IV's are magical!
Oh my goodness, so sorry! That happened to me when I was pregnant with my second son. I hated being in the hospital, but boy did it make me feel better. The ER doc was so good to me, he had 6 grown children and felt so bad for me he went to the cafeteria himself and picked out a few things for me to try and eat once I was re-hydrated. Being sick while pregnant and a mommy is the worst. You are such a trooper!!!
oh man, so sorry. glad you are feeling better. i ALWAYS over due it when i start to feel a little better.
God bless~
Oh no Liz! I'm so, so sorry to hear this. I hope this weekend is much better for you but don't do too much too soon. Rest up and take care of yourself- the house will still be standing on Monday. :)
Yuck! Such a bummer. Just look at it as some quiet time to yourself, right?
I hope next week is better!
Oh no! I hope you're feeling much better now!
Oh no! It is so miserable to be sick like that when you are if morning sickness wasn't enough! I hope you have recovered and are feeling much better by now! The flu has been going around at my boys' school but so far we have managed to avoid it...lots of handwashing going on at our house!
Bless your heart!! I'm so glad you're feeling better and that you went and got the IV fluids - not something you want to mess around with while pregnant!! I hope it's gone for good and the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing :) Hugs!
Ok, seriously enough drama :) I can't believe it cropped back up on you. Was there any dairy in the potatoes? I've heard that's the fastest way to "rekindle" the bug....
I'm so so sorry friend!! But I'm glad you are feeling better. Ok, now seriously...I'm praying for a BORING remainder of this pregnancy for you :D
I HATE IV's almost as much as I hate snakes. I hate when the nurse messes it up and sticks me 10 more times because she's an idiot.
I hope that didn't happen to you and I hope you're feeling much better now.
So sorry you had to go through that, but glad you were smart and did what you needed to do. I got sick while I was pregnany with Sam and didn't go, so I felt terrible for way too long.
So...once you're all the way we get to see a cute prego pic of you? Pretty please?
i know this sounds oh so screwed up but...the few times i was sick while preggo and in the hospital i sorta enjoyed it! mandatory rest, someone has to babysit, no worries about the house! i know i know, told you i'm screwed up;) I am glad you and baby are healthy and home!
yikes... Glad you are on the mend!! you win the worst flu ever award!! So many folks around us have been sick... we have only been down and out with colds... hope to keep it that way... my little girl seems to have just a cold right now... hope it stays that way!
Rest and take it easy!!
Well, of course my week has been/was better than yours. You were in the hospital?? That's awful!! I'm glad you're feeling better! I hope the stomach bug and flu stays far far away from your house!
Oh Bless you bless you bless you!!!!
I am praying that this is all behind you and you are feeling better!!!
I've been absent from the blog world for several weeks. I'm playing catch up tonight. I hope you're doing better.... back to reading!
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