#1 on my list of things to do this year is read through the Bible. Confession: I have never read through the entire Bible. And I really want to. I downloaded the 90 day schedule, and it's looking like a lot. Especially right now when we are in the final weeks of house building, I'm pregnant, etc. etc. But I realized that I can always find excuses not to find the time. So I'm going for it. I doubt I'll have it finished in 90 days, but even if it takes me six months, it's a goal I want to achieve this year. {Anyone else gone through the 90 day program? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated}.
#2 I would love to make some time for activities that I used to enjoy, but have completely left behind since becoming a mama. Dance team and pageants used to be a huge part of my life. It may sound silly and shallow {?}, but I would love to be involved again. No Mrs. America for me, I can't imagine competing now, but I would LOVE to make it an annual tradition to attend the Miss Oregon pageant each year. And there is no reason that I can't attend local dance team competitions in the spring. The more that I think about it, the more I realize how important it is for me to show my girls what I used to be involved in, and even more importantly for them to see that I haven't always just been "Mama" ;) Besides, these are activities that I know my daughters would enjoy too.
And I suppose if I was going to add a #3 it would be to make more memories with my family. Last year we didn't get away much. This year I would love to plan a couple of trips to the beach, maybe a museum, the zoo, and more local attractions. Of course, now that the interest rate is going back up, and we'll be refinancing a brand new house soon, having even one extra cent around is looking pretty bleak. But a girl can dream.
And while I'm here {computer time has been limited these days!}, I may as well do a quick house update.
I cannot say enough about the finish work that my husband has done so far. He bought the unfinished wood trim, sanded, lacquered {then sanded and lacquered again, and again!}, and then put these GORGEOUS window trims together.
You can't truly get a feel until you see it in person, but oh my. He did an amazing job. Seriously, I'm thinking he's going to have to make it a side job ;)
And look what was installed Christmas day . . .
Cabinets! Woohoo! The countertops are done, linoleum is being installed on Tuesday, and Jeremy and my dad have been tirelessly working on the floors. It's coming together :)

The house is looking great! Maybe Jeremy can come and finish our basement for us :)
Those are great goals. I'm sure your girls would love to watch the competitions! I know Abby would!
first off, your comment cracked me up about what jeremy used to say watching the videos. :)
and second, that trim is GORGEOUS! and the cabinets? oh my! i would love that in a house for sure!
lastly, yes, go out and do something for yourself! i struggle with this too, but this time around i am doing something at least once a week for one hour- zumba. it's not much, but at least it is a start.
happy new years to you and good luck on your goals!
WOW- it feels like the house is going up so quickly- I know it probably isn't for you- but it looks AMAZING!!!
Best of luck with your to-do list...just remember you can only do SO MUCH. ;)
The house is looking great...so darn excited for you guys!
You should put your cute girlies in pageants! I bet they would love it! And I love the trim! Jason is going back and adding extra touches on our trim that didn't get done when we built our house, and it looks similar to yours just white!
Yay for house pictures! It is really looking good and yes your husband did an AMAZING job on the trim.
Are the kitchen cabinets staying that color or all y'all staining or painting them?
Good luck w/your goals, I think you and the girls would have a great time doing them together.
Love the cabinets and trim!! I tried to do the 90 days last year and failed. Then I told myself that I would just keep doing what I could and finish within the year....STILL didn't happen. So, I'm just continuing where I left off. I will get through the Bible! Good luck! It takes about 1 hour a day to do the 90 day. You can do it if you schedule the time in!
these are great resolutions, i've never read the bible all the way through either.
the house is looking awesome!!!
Those are great resolutions! I especially like taking your girls to show them the parts of you that they might not know about. Show them the things that shaped you.
The house is looking beautiful! I am so jealous!!!
I read the bible ONCE all the way through... except I never made it through the Psalms!! so ALMOST read it through... but... I was in a 6 month bible school program... no kids... nothing but studying the bible and learning about His Holy Spirit living in and Through us.... it was a wonderful time of life.. family life is so different!
anyway...It was hard to read through the old testament!! I could never read the Bible in a year again.. not now... being a home schoolin momma... but I do want to read through the New Testament from Start to finish again... and maybe work my way through a book at a time... baby steps!! =)
Blessings on your Bible reading adventure!!
My mom has the same Bible goal this year but chose to read the Message in order to accomplish it. :) She's doing the 365 day challenge though.
The cabinets and trim look amazing!! I bet you are so excited!!
The house looks awesome! I love those cabinets!
Whoo hoo for the house update. Your husband is doing an amazing job!!! I did try to do the 90 days and it was overwhelming for me and I was getting lost. This year I'm reading it through chronologically (I've never read through it either) and I'm excited. Good luck with your reading this year.
The finish work and cabinets look absolutely beautiful!!! We're getting there...we're going to start painting this weekend and hopefully getting our cabinets installed late next week. I'm trying not to feel antsy. :)
Hope you're having a great week!
I love designing kitchens and then seeing them grow before my eyes!
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