Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ultrasound News

It's been a loooong day. A long, emotional day. Is it just me, or do emotions wear you out too? I'm so ready for bed, but Kam took a surprise nap this afternoon, so she is still WIDE awake ;)

Besides, if I'm going to mention that Wednesday is ultrasound day, I shouldn't leave you hanging.

This little pumpkin here . . .

{Yes, the one yawning. Isn't that the cutest??}

Is . . .

another girl.

It's been emotional. We are so blessed to be having another, healthy girl. I know this. And I love girls! The pink, the frilly, the bows.

But I always thought we would have a son too. That's all.

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Jenny said...

I just knew you were having another girl! Too funny! Congratulations!

mountain mama said...

ohhh...yes...i had an emotional time like that too.

in the end, God always knows what he's doing!! :)

get some rest lil mama!

Impulsive Addict said...

Ohmy...4 girls?? Poor Daddy. How does that even happen? I mean I KNOW how "IT" happens but I totally predicted a boy for obvious reasons. That's a LOT of weddings to pay for. Start saving NOW.

Well, you know what they say....5th times a charm!

Anonymous said...

All the emotions I could just imagine! Girls are great and just think you and Hubby a pro by now! Stay positive and enjoy your pregnancy!

Rachel Sue said...

I have two sister in laws with 4 little girls each. It was hard for them, but as they get older, I think they are a little relieved. They always know what to expect!

Rachel Sue said...

I have two sister in laws with 4 little girls each. It was hard for them, but as they get older, I think they are a little relieved. They always know what to expect!

{:miss v:} said...

Congratulations! Your girls are going to have so much fun together!

Amber Filkins said...

Oh my gosh! Another girl!! Of course, I love girls too (obviously) but I definitely know how you feel. We'd like 4 kids, so if this one is a girl, then I'd be okay, hoping that the next would be a boy. But I still know what you mean.

Hoping for a good night's sleep for you.

♥ Amber

Kelly said...


I get it. I wanted two boys so badly...or so I the end, God knows exactly what He is doing!

Maybe a mom of 5 in your future?! LOL :)

Kelli W said...

I'm so happy for you Liz...and a little jealous of the pink and frilly you get to enjoy:) I totally know where you are coming from! I can't imagine life without Eli, but we were really hoping for a girl the third time around! If you need help when it's time to start planning all those wedding you know you can call me!!

Unknown said...

Oh momma- I am super happy for a healthy baby - I understand the conflicts going on in you right now - you can't help that tug in your heart for wanting a boy - but God has a plan and He is blessing you with another amazing little girl fro a reason - you will see it someday!


Foursons said...

First- congrats! And...I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way when we found out Nolan was (another) boy.

jennohara said...

YAY!!! Another girl, how fun for your other little ones.
More matching outfits and frills. LOVE it.
Emotions can wear you right out...get some rest and take care of that perfect baby!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I had a feeling...God has a plan.
Take care,

Mama 2 Four said...

Oh how wonderful! Four little girlies running around! You are so blessed!
I just know if we went for number 5 it would be another boy!
I hope you are feeling great!

Kelli said...

How many bathrooms does the new house have :) Sisters...I love it. My mom only had me (though wanted a boy), but she found her son in my husband...they are so much alike.

jennykate77 said...

I knew it was going to be another girl! God knows what he's doing...He knows all, so much more than us. Congratulations!!

Miller Racing Family said...

Bless your heart. I totally feel your emotional pains. I was a mess when I was pregnant with Lila.
Congrats on another Healthy Girl!

Connie said...


I was really hoping for a boy for you. Because I know how my boy makes me feel.

But you make beautiful baby girls!!

Coffee Is My Love Language said...

Congratulations Liz on a healthy baby girl. You make beautiful little ladies;) Hugs to you because I can imagine how it feels to dream of what having the other might be like.


Mandy said...

congrats...can i have her? i always expected another girl! God knows best (i know you know this, and i know it's annoying to hear, but nevertheless true;)) My name for the next girl was Cecily. You can have it, you're welcome:D

Heather said...

oh friend....I was the same when I got the news that Bailey was my third girl. I knew we were done and I just couldn't imagine God NOT giving us a son. My husband is could he not have a son to pass that on to? Then I realized...I will have sons. Three of them. Sons in law...but still, sons without having all the hassle of raising them. :)
Your girls will ALL be close. And this way there's never a girl left out :D

Heather said...

by the way....she's obviously another GORGEOUS one!

Colleen said...

Oh, while I TOTALLY empathize with you (except with having three boys in a row) I am so excited for you to have a nother girl. You two make the most beautiful girls!! Plus, it's always a good reason to try again :)

Abra Clampitt said...

how did i miss this post? congrats on another girl! you know i'm partial to girls. :) and i think this just means you may not be done with having kids. wink wink. :)

i think 4 girls is perfect!

Corrina said...

Our family is complete with 3 girls, and that 3rd one was a bit hard for me too. We waited until birth to know her gender and when they announced "girl" part of me knew it would be a girl, but part of me was convinced we would have that one son too. But, I just tell myself that God is smarter than I am. There is a blog I follow--saavy little women, and she has 4 girls and is pregnant with a son :) I always wonder if God will bring a son to us in another fashion.

Jessica said...

You will have sons... one day... but that means your girlies won't be under your roof anymore. It's still a bright side though! And you'll have grandsons too! If you want to even picture that age yet.


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