For Christmas we were gifted with a trip to Disneyland,
and we are {FINALLY!} in countdown mode! Hooray!!!
I'm all about being real, so I will just say,
realistically we may never make it to Disneyland as a family of 6 again.
{And no, that is not code for our family is growing, lol!
That is code for: Travel is expensive,
the last time we made it to Disneyland, Sierra was 5
. . . she's now 11 . . . if you do the math, you'll note that she will
be nearly an adult in the same 6 year span since our last Disney trip :( }
So . . .
I want it to be special.
I want every little part to be magical.
I REALLY like a good countdown.
We're gonna be countin' on down the days with a fun
Disney activity daily.
So, here we go.
Our countdown kicked off at Grandma and Grandpa's house
{they're going with us, by the way!!!}.
Day 1 of Countdown to Disney:
Lady & The Tramp Dinner & Movie
We started with Spaghetti, of course!
A little chit chat around the dinner table.
Grandma had printed off coloring pages for each of the girls.
And you-know-who brought her "Lady" along, don'thcaknow.
Then it was snuggle time as we watched the sequel to Lady & The Tramp.
I'm so excited for a fun activity every day!
Go ahead, lay it on me:
Disney tips, travel tips, I'm all ears!

What a fun way to get ready for your trip. Love this idea.
Great idea. I love this!
I am so excited for you guys! I love the countdown dinner and movie!
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