Why does time just fly by at warp speed??
Y'all, my second oldest baby girl is 14 today.
I really don't know how it is possible, because it truly feels
like yesterday that she was THIS big:
Or this big:
Or even this big:
But certainly not a teenager . . . let alone a second year teenager.
Makenna Nicole,
You are:
Creative, and innovative.
You love making projects, and figuring out how things work.
You are witty and fun,
but you also take things seriously.
You want everything to be fair and just.
You are THE ONE to go to to figure out a plan of attack.
You may not be neat and tidy. You may not love to organize.
But you always seem to know just what to do to get to the end goal.
You have high expectations for yourself and others.
You are kind and compassionate, loving, and caring.
And we love you to the moon!
Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!