It feels like there's so much that I've been meaning to post, and I just keep forgetting. First there was the gorgeous weather which meant our time was spent enjoying life outdoors. Then we had a little bit of craft fun {which I promised to post!}. And, well, let's not forget about the super bug I got hit with last week.
Anyway, let's update, shall we?
We've had some glorious sunshine-y days! We can't help but get outside for nature walks and swinging.
We spent a couple of days crafting our little hearts out. We made these adorable little bunnies, remember? And a basket and eggs out of paper, {the girls are going to write some of the things they are thankful for on each egg.}
I also found more of this adorable oil cloth and am making new placemats for the girls.
I love oil cloth :)
And once I can get my act {and more wool felt} together, I have another project/tutorial for y'all!
In other news . . .
This little muffin wore her first piggies last week :)
And . . .
Is a big walkin' girl now!

Those are seriously the cutest pigtails I have ever seen! The easter baskets are really cute too! I let my boys decorate some egg cut outs with dotters the other day.
Yay for pig tails :)
Glad you are feeling better, Superbugs are NO FUN. CAYUTE oilcloth! What brand/name/designer/store ??? I've been looking for some :)
Those piggies are sooooo cute! Makes me want to pick her up and squeeze her!
I'd never heard of oil cloth before until recently. I'll have to check it out to see what it's like. Cute crafts and cute pics. Wow, lots of firsts for "Muffin". You have beautiful girls!
Happy 8th anniversary to you all! Hope you had a wonderful day!
Love this spring time post!
Happy anniversary. I love the pigtails...too adorable. I love that you have done campouts too, Jamison would love that.
Happy Anniversary!
You've been busy. We played outside for the first time too and then we all got colds.
She looks so much older with the pigtails!
Congrats on 8 years!
We made those bunnies the other day, I'll have to post them soon.
Oh Liz, those pictures are too much! I can't wait to see your placemats. You are too talented! Didn't get it from me.
We have had some lovely days here, mixed with snow. It has been very weird.
Happy Anniversary!! I love the piggies and I am so glad that you are feeling much better!!
Life just gets busy doesn't it?? :) I wish we did more crafts! I love those placemats. So cute! And those piggies! Oh my goodness! What dolls you have :) Happy Anniversary too! We are celebrating nine years in July so we aren't too far ahead of you :D
Happy Anniversary to you and Jeremy. Such cute pig tails and how fun to craft and have camp outs. you are such a fun mommy.
I am sooo glad to find your blog. We have a lot in common. We are a co-sleeping, homeschooling, Christan family too! I love your blog and I am going to follow you!
Nice to meet you!
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