♥ First let me say THANK YOU for the "weather prayers". It has been sunny and dry! YAY! On the home front~ the trusses came yesterday, and everything went smooth as silk. What a blessing! Give me a day or two to go through {the millions of} pictures, and I'll post a couple of our "house". It's looking more and more like one each day, and it is so exciting. ♥
♥ My sister and her little sugarplums are coming for a visit TOMORROW! Ahhh! We can hardly contain ourselves. We can't wait to see them! ♥
♥ Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of the super sweet birthday wishes! Guess what, 30 isn't as bad as I thought ;) I had a wonderful birthday. My parents and Jeremy's parents came over, Jeremy grilled the yummiest ribs I've ever had {and I didn't even think I liked ribs! Who knew!} the girls sang me the sweetest birthday song {Kam included!}. It was the loveliest day. ♥
Check out these yummy kabobs the girls put together.
Somebody got a new patio set for her birthday ;) {I cannot wait to put it on our new back porch! Squeal!}
Sorry about this blurry orange-y photo. I hadn't changed the settings before handing it off ;)
Kam had to sneak a little taste ;)
♥ Also, just want to say a GIANT thank you to Miss V ;) I won a $25 gift card to Wal-mart at her place last week. Thanks, Girl! ♥

You seem to be handling 30 a lot better than me! I think I may be one of those women who just lie an say they are 29 for a few years...maybe until 35, then I'll start saying I'm 30:) I love your new patio set! I'm sure it will look awesome on your new patio.
Aww, how did I miss your birthday? Happy belated birthday! I'm starting to feel old with all you young bloggers out there. I'm pushing 40, but don't feel like it!
Yea, for the new patio set! Great pics. Glad you house is looking more like a home.
30 is GREAT!!! It sounds like you had a great birthday and I love the new patio furniture. I'm so happy you've have great weather and more progress on the house.
Looks like a great birthday...ribs are something I always hated because they are so messy to eat...but I can handle the mess when Dan cooks them cause they are soooooooooooo good!
Nice patio set!!
Your house is coming along nicely!
Your pictures are amazing!
You are beautiful. 30 suits you well. Question- did you change your font color? This blue is hard to read. Not that my opinion matters but thought I'd give it anyways. :)
30 looks good on you!!! I'm glad you had a happy birthday! LOVE your new patio set! That's on my "want list" too! My hubby was going to get me one for Mother's Day, but with all of the construction mess we decided to hold off...but I'm going to hold him to it once the house is finished! I won't forget! :) Yours is going to look fabulous on your new patio!!!
Oh, and welcome to the 30 club...it's pretty exclusive. ;)
I totally missed your Birthday!!! Happy Happy Birthday my sweet friend!
Aw, you look so great! Happy belated birthday! Cannot wait to see your house pictures!
So glad that you enjoyed your birthday! I have to say that 30 wasnt too rough for me either!
That is so exciting that your sister is coming. I know how much you miss her! I hope you all have a wonderful visit.
Woohoo about the new patio set! What a perfect birthday gift!
Happy belated birthday. You are right, it isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be...but for some reason I was really excited to be off of thirty and on to 32 this year. Great photos!
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