Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's Kind Of Like Craftsman

We celebrated another birthday over the weekend.

Miss Makenna turns 6 years old tomorrow. Sigh.

Because her birthday falls in the middle of the week this year, and because we have family members who live an hour's drive away, we planned the party for Sunday. And we enjoyed a fun-filled, very busy day!

That morning, Jeremy took all three girls down to our creek to fish, and Kameryn caught her first fish ever. So very exciting! And the rest of the day was spent preparing for the party.

Kenners insisted on a simple Fun-fetti cake. She was in charge of the sprinkles ;)

And then she set to work opening the presents. Makenna received quite a few new items from American Girl. In our house, American Girl is a BIG DEAL. Papa, Jeremy's grandpa, was trying to figure out what all of those AG boxes were about, and I overheard Jeremy whisper "It's kinda like Craftsman. There are a lot of accessories." HA! I don't know why, but that just cracked me up.

Poor Kam, she wasn't sure what to think. First came Christmas. Or rather, several Christmas celebrations in a row. All including gifts for her. Then came her birthday. A day specifically to celebrate her. Shortly after was Valentine's day. Each of the girls received several little presents. And then . . . Makenna's birthday. And poor little Kam couldn't figure out why she wasn't the one receiving the presents!

Here Kenna, let me help you with that.

Poor little thing, it's a tough lesson to learn, isn't it? Luckily Kenners is pretty good about sharing.

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Kelli said...

I love Kam's face in the last picture. Looks like Makenna had a sweet birthday...I love birthdays.

Kelli W said...

Sounds like a great birthday! And how funny that Kam was expecting presents:)I'm so jealous of all the fun American Girl stuff...all we have is Craftsman in our house!

Connie said...

Happy Birthday Makenna!!

I'm keeping the AG stuff a big secret. :)

Jenny said...

Too funny about Kam! That last pic is so cute!

I can't believe Kenners is 6!

LOL about Craftsman!

Holly said...

Makenna is so sweet to share with her little sis on her birthday! Kam is so adorable, I love how you describe them in your blog - they sound like the sweetest girls in the world!

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Oh my gosh! Happy birthday to Miss Makenna. J's comment about Craftstman is beyond hilarious!

Foursons said...

Oh my gosh, the Craftsman comparison is HILARIOUS.

Happy Birthday to that sweet 6 year old. How is it that I've been reading long enough to feel like I'm watching her grow up?

And Kam...what can I say. I just love that girl.

jennykate77 said...

It is a tough lesson to learn! She is such a cutie!!

Happy Birthday to Makenna!! Looks like she had a wonderful birthday!

Love the pics!

That's hilarious about AG being "like Craftsman...lots of accessories." LOL :)

Heidi Boos said...

Happy Birthday to Makenna!! Glad she had a fun birthday party...Funfetti cake and all! (My birthday was yesterday.) Love that last picture. ;)

Blessings to you, Liz!

Corrina said...

My almost 4-year old is having a hard time waiting for her April birthday, since her sisters and close cousin all have birthdays in January. So hard to wait! And...I'm jealous that your girls like American Girl! I loved that stuff as a kid, even though I never had any, I'd pour over the catalogs. But my oldest is a tomboy, and my middle daughter loves animals. Maybe the baby will like it in a few years :)

Jessica said...

Another belated happy birthday!


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