Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Craftin' With The Kiddos

Cousin Kuaile came out for a visit last weekend, making it the perfect opportunity to get the girls together for some craftin'!


I found an adorable Easter craft idea on Kaboose, and we made it our own ~ {read: pared it down a LOT to make it super simple for even my two year old}.

We started with Jelly Beans and M&Ms
Sandwich Baggies
Pipe Cleaner
Craft Foam


The Pink Jellys and M&Ms made the Bunnies . . .


And the Yellows made the Chickies :)


We're always looking for super simple {and quick!} crafts because some of us have less of an attention span than others. And I always love an activity that uses items that I already have around the house. 'Cuz we live a ways from town, and I hate making special trips.


These fit the bill just fine, wouldn't ya say?

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Heather said...

So cute! And so fun for the girls :)

Foursons said...

I live in a completely different world than you. Hahahaha.

Kelli said...

Those are a adorable!

Kelli W said...

Those are too cute! I love the glittery bunny ears:)

shortmama said...

Very cute!

He & Me + 3 said...

Those are adorable. Great job.

Connie said...

Those are so cute! Perfect!


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