Monday, November 14, 2011


Whew, it has been hard getting back into the swing.  Partly because life has gotten crazy busy here.  And partly because I've been in kind of a funk.  And blogging {among many other things} just aren't as enjoyable when you're in a funk, don'tcha know.

But I'm missing my blog reading.  And I'm missing my journaling.  And I don't want to be completely flung out of the loop altogether!  So, I'm going to try to do better.

Anyway, what's new with y'all?

♥ Quick catch up ♥

♥ We had a very busy deer hunting season {and Jeremy's gearing up for his season which starts this weekend}.  I passed on the hunting this year since Taylor is still so little, and Sierra took my place.  I won't go into detail,  but let's just say . . . her first year of hunting was a success!

♥ We've been spending a lot of time in our studies.  This year has been especially time-consuming with two official homeschoolers.  Makenna needs a lot of my time and attention {and God bless her, she constantly needs to be kept on track or she veers WAY off}, and as Sierra gets older, and I'm still using my hand-picked curriculum, she needs quite a bit of guidance as well.  It is so rewarding, and I really wouldn't change a thing, but some days it feels like it's all I can do to get the basics {laundry, meals, clean-up} accomplished AND put in a full day of homeschooling.

♥ Bible study is coming to a close for the holidays.  I've struggled a bit with this recent study.  It's like my heart just isn't in it the way it should be.  And then I feel guilty that I'm not giving it my all.

♥ I've been re-working our budget, and trying to find ways to save money and ways to make more money. {It's tough!} Really considering investing in one of Dave Ramsey's books.  {Anyone use his plan?}

And finally, we took a mini trip to the beach last weekend.  Last year Jeremy traded fire wood for the use of a beach house, and we just never got around to using it.  We figured we'd better use it now, or lose it, so away we went.

The weather was miserable, but we still had a good time.


{This about sums it up.  A total of 10 minutes spent on the beach before we were soaked to the bone and Kam could no longer stand up to the wind!}


We came home with crab though.  So, totally worth it :)
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Macey said...

Glad you're back!
Gotta love the Oregon coast. LOL
Seriously...GO SIERRA!!!

Jenny said...

Brr, that looks like a cold beach!

WooHoo for Sierra going deer hunting. I'm proud of her!

We did use Dave Ramsey's plan and have paid off our debt (except the house). It's awesome!

This time of year can get pretty busy, but I hope you all have a fun time!

Jessica said...

That wind looks cold! I'm sure the water was beautiful, nonetheless. : )

Heather said...

SOOO cold! WOw! That picture says it all. Glad to have you back. I missed ya! :)
We've used the Dave Ramsey plan (and modified it a bit) and we like it. We also have some friends that did the Crowne Financial class and loved it. It's nice to know others are in the same boat we are.

Crab? What time should we be there for dinner? :)

shortmama said...

Its Shortmama...Im not blogging any more but still reading some of my faves. Just had to comment...we use Dave Ramsey and love it. I totally recommend Total Money Makeover. It is awesome and eye opening. I created a budget on Excel to help me stick with it too...if you have Excel and are interested I could email you the blank copy of it. Its super easy, just make your own categories and enter in your budget amounts and actual spent amounts and it does all the calculations for you! Let me know if you are interested!

Oh and I so know what you mean about trying to get basics and full day homeschooling done...its a lot of work!

Mama 2 Four said...

So glad to see you back!

We have used Dave Ramsey's plan for years, and paid off our house in May!!! I posted about it here...

I would definitely suggest getting the book!

Kelli W said...

I'm barely getting the basics done at my house and two out of three of mine kiddos are gone to school half the day! I don't know how you do it all Liz! I completely skipped bible study this time because it just didn't work with my schedule. I'm hoping to get back into it after Christmas though because I really need it!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like ya'll are going to be eating well this winter! :o) Thanks for not posting dead deer pictures though... That part always breaks my heart a little...

Dave Ramsey is HUGE here. Probably because he lives here and his corporation is in Nashville. I've got multiple friends who work for him and ones who have taken his classes, etc. Every single one has nothing but good things to say about his program. I think it's worth looking into!

Connie said...

What a fun trip...except for the cold.


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