Oh. Hi there. Long time, no blog.
I'm going to be honest. Lately, the thought of blogging hasn't appealed to me in the slightest. Life is racing right by me at about a million miles an hour, and I don't seem to have time to wash my hair {ew, right?}, let alone find a spare minute to blog. Truth be told? If I did have a spare minute, I'd much rather spend it snuggling up my lovies anyway.
But. Then I think about how much I love to look back through old blog posts. And guess what, I can't look back through blog posts if I don't actually post. Bummer. So, I guess I'll just have to find some time in the wee hours of the night to devote to this ol' blog here.
So . . . What have we been up to?
Homeschooling, dance classes {we have them three days a week now, don'thca know}, and everyday basics seem to take up an obscene amount of time. Either life is just plain getting crazier, or I'm becoming much much more disorganized and spacey in my old age.
Other activities that have been consuming our time . . .
Other activities that have been consuming our time . . .
We went on our annual girls trip with my MIL, and had a ball!
Three days at the beach was just what we needed.
Three days at the beach was just what we needed.
We've also . . .
Recently sold my car
and bought a new {to us} one.
And I've been keeping busy with photography, which has been such a blessing.
Check out this gorgeous family from a session last week:
Oh my goodness, don't you just want to smooch on those cheeks???
Today was spent at the pumpkin patch. One bottle of apple cider, 6 donuts, and lots of coughs, sniffles, and congestion {from the hay?} later, and I think we need a day to rest and recuperate.
Oh! And in a couple, short weeks we are headed to southern Oregon to visit my sister. We can't wait!
What have you been up to?

I think I am getting more and more disorganized as I'm getting older! Things have been crazy busy around here and I can't seem to keep up! All your beach pictures are awesome, and I love the picture of all the Georgia Bulldogs:)
In your old age? Bah! I don't believe that for a second!
The beach looks REALLY nice. It's been over 2 years since we've gone. I miss it a lot.
For the past month all of my blog posts have been scheduled and now I've run out of scheduled ones. I realized on Monday that I was actually going to have to start writing them again. I get a little burned out on blogging sometimes, too. You better not quit forever though!!!
well, you've might have been awol here, but your talent for photos obviously is flourishing! Thanks for taking the time to share; now go and enjoy life... blogging should always be guilt free, after all, it is a giving of ourselves... and what do we have to give if we do not live first, right? *smile*
It's so good to "hear" from you! I've been wandering what you all have been up to. Great pictures! I'm so happy you will get to go visit your sister!!
What kind of car did you all get?
I know I already commented on this, but if you're wondering why I'm suddenly your newest follower, I'm having to refollow everyone with my new Google account since I didn't renew my custom domain account. :o)
Apple cider! We gotta do the pumpkin patch soon.
Old. Not!
I haven't had any great feelings toward blogging lately either.
Look at your beautiful little ladies....oh, they are growing by leaps and bounds.
It is quite shocking to see everyone wearing jackets already. *sigh* it is so hot here!
I DO love those family photos you took...how beautiful are they? VERY!
Great pictures!! Now I want donuts.
No dance, but pretty much the same as you, homework, cleaning, spending time with family. It sounds so boring but it's utterly fantastic!
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