Monday, July 29, 2013

 So, it finally occurred to me that I left y'all hanging regarding the "Big. Exciting. News."

I honestly didn't mean to do that.
It's just that I'm pretty much the world's worst blogger these days.
And I think I've finally figured out why . . .
{Ya know besides the fact that I am trying to raise four children, take care of them and my husband, squeeze in the basics, like laundry and general house chores, etc. etc.}
. . . other social media is SO MUCH EASIER.
I'm still not the greatest with Facebook, but oh my lands, Instagram is so easy peasy!
I love it.
And blogging . . . it just takes so much more time.
And I'm short on that most days.

Anyway . . .
On to the news.
While a new baby would be super exciting, I'm sorry to say that is not the exciting announcement.
We are, however, expecting puppies!
Words cannot describe how excited the girls are.
And I have to admit I'm pretty excited too.

Snuggly wuggly pups are in our very near future.
Stay tuned :)

And because I can't leave you without a picture . . . 

Sigh ♥ I love these girls.
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Busy Bee Suz said...

You are having puppies????
So exciting.

Kelli said...

How fun about the puppies! I understand about blogging...I LOVE IG and I'm so glad you're there so we can stay connected :) Those girls are so stinking cute.

Jenny said...

Taylor looks just like Kam! Puppies are so much easier than babies! LOL!

Susana said...

I've given up blogging for Instagram. And, I'm ok with that finally! Congrats on your adorable puppies! Enjoy them! Now I'm going to try and find you on Instagram ASAP!! Hugs, Liz!


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