Saturday, July 26, 2014

Trying This Again

I tried settling in at a new place over at Wordpress, and I just couldn't love it.
 So I'm back here trying to figure out how on earth to get my blogger blog to WORK correctly!
So frustrating. I feel like all of this time has passed that I want to document, and I can't :(
 Here goes: another attempt. I don't even know where to begin, so I'll just jump in!
Summer is halfway over. How can this be?? My most favorite time of the year, and I can feel it slipping right through my fingers.
We've been busy with BBQs, get-togethers, camp-outs, and so much more.
And our August calendar . . . I don't think it has one blank day!

We had a wonderful 4th!
Jeremy and I spent the first part of the day at the Timber Festival with our "big girls",
and we spent the rest of our day roasting hot dogs and marshmallows at home, while enjoying our modest, little backyard fireworks show.

The girls helped make our favorite dessert, and it was gone just minutes after presenting it :)

Just a few days after the 4th we were headed for our week-long camp-out and Family Reunion in Central Oregon!


And that's as much catching-up time I have for today :)

I've missed y'all!

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Jenny said...

So fun! I hope you get blogger working!

Xazmin said...

I know the feeling of missing so much you don't know where to jump back in!

I blogged for the first time in forever tonight! And then I come over here, see all your stunning pictures and feel totally inadequate!

Why don't you live near me so you could take gorgeous pictures of my kiddos for me?

Sounds like your summer has been as crazy as ours!


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