I'm *kind of* an introvert,
so staying home is definitely more of a reward than a punishment,
as far as I'm concerned. But not everyone in my house agrees, so I've been
compiling a list of things to do when cabin fever sets in.
Maybe you need some ideas too.
Share what you've been up to, so we can all add to our lists!
1. Take a Hike {or Bike!}
If the weather is nice {and it has been the last few days here in Oregon!},
one of our favorite things to do is take a nature walk.
We are blessed to live on 20 acres, and "right next door" to my parents ~
who also have 20 acres. There is a lot to explore!
But whether you have acres of land, or live in a neighborhood, get outdoors
and get some fresh air.
Make a scavenger hunt list, and check off items as you see them.
2. Tie Dye or Paint on Clothing
This is a perfect sunny-day activity.
I purchased a fantastic Tie Dye Kit on Amazon
3. Take up a New Hobby . . . or practice one you already love.
Tay got a new bow a few months ago, and has already improved so much!
4. Go For A Drive!
Stay close to home, or hit the road; and explore country you haven't before.
5. Whip Up Some Yummy Treats
Food makes me happy. It brightens my day.
If you're the same, whip up a new drink or treat recipe to share with the fam.
A few to try:
{click for recipe}
{click for recipe}
CandyBar Milkshakes
{Blend vanilla ice cream ~ or any kind ya like,
with Oreo cookies, candy bars, and chocolate syrup.
Coat inside of a mug with chocolate and caramel syrups, add milkshake,
and top with whipped cream, cookies, and candy bars}
Your family will love you forever. Pinky promise.
I'll be back with some indoor activities in case your weather is less than gorgeous.
Stay healthy, y'all ♥

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