Friday, April 30, 2010

The Day Has Come . . .

Excavation has started!

We are a {tiny} bit closer to our new home!!!


Thanks so much, by the way, for all of the input on the tulip pictures. I value all of your opinions! :)

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Rhonda said...

Yay! I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU ALL!!! Sorry, I'm screaming at you. That is awesome! Thanks for keeping us posted. HOW EXCITING!

Kelli said...

Whoo excited. I can't wait to see the progress.

Heather said...

So exciting!!! When we started construction on our church, there was a text message that went out and all it said was "The dirt is MOVING!" Over 40 people showed up to watch the dirt "move." :D

He & Me + 3 said...

Can I get a WOO HOO? So happy for you all.
How exciting!
Stop by my blog if you get a chance...I am having a giveaway today.

Kelli W said...

YAY! That is so exciting! Building a new house is so much fun...and a little stressful too! I know you are so excited:) Have a great weekend!

Jenny said...

Where have I been? I don't remember you all going to build a new home! How exciting! Ok, now I need to go back and read, because I know I must just be forgetting about this.

Kasey said...

Yes!!! So excited for your family!! Hopefully you'll have great weather through the build!!

Miller Racing Family said...

Oh, how exciting. This will be such a fun (well maybe a little stressful) time for your family. Trey would love to sit and watch the crews all day long. When we got our new septic tank/lines, Trey sat in the sunroom all day long just stalking, I mean watching the workers.
Hope you have a great weekend!

{:miss v:} said...

How exciting! I would love to build a new house!

What style are you guys planning on building?

Foursons said...

Yay, how very exciting!

Connie said...

How exciting!

And you know that we'd be happy to help you with an design/decorating decision you have to make. :)

Catherine Anne said...

YAY!!!! Thats wonderful! Great photos too~


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