Don't forget to enter the giveaway from Stella & Dot!!!
Connie, at The Young and the Relentless tagged me for a little handwriting activity. I love writing. I make lists all.the.time.
So, here are the rules:
Write down the following, snap a pic and post it.
1. Name/ Blog Name
2. Right handed, left handed or both
3. Favorite letters to write
4. Least favorite letters to write
5. Write: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
6. Write in caps:
7. Favorite song lyrics
8. Tag 7 people
9. Any special note or drawing
Click to enlarge
Now if I could just get someone to analyze my handwriting ;)

I love your is so pretty. I wish mine was like that! I remember loving it as soon as I saw it in that note you sent me!
How fun! You have nice handwriting! I'll have to get to doing this!
It's funny though because it seems that ever since Evan was born, my handwriting stinks! It's so weird!
Have a great weekend! ;)
What a fun tag! You have such cute handwriting.
Your writing is very pretty. I can't stand mine. So glad I get to type comments and not hand write them. :)
SUPER fun tag. But I'm with handwriting stinks, so I'm glad that most of the things I do can be typed:)
You have such pretty handwriting!! Thanks for the tag- haven't played in bloggy land for awhile!!!
Hey Liz,
Very pretty handwriting! What a fun tag. Thanks for thinking of me, and your sweet comment today. Have a wonderful weekend!
How's the house building going?
Your handwriting is so pretty...just like you!
Your handwriting is so pretty! I never liked mine.
Thanks for tagging me, I'll post it soon!
What a cute tag! Your handwriting is ADORABLE!
Especially with a lap "helper"...sheesh!
How are you? I hope you are enjoying your spring!
oooh I LOVE your handwriting! It is so pretty! Mine is so boring compared to yours!
Have a great weekend!
You have BEAUTIFUL handwriting! I wish mine was as pretty. Cute tag!
oooh! I just got around to reading my blogs...I will so have to do this one!!!! How neat is it! I might take me a day or so...but I ill do it by the beginning of the week! thanks!!!
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