Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Not Everyone Loves Tulips As Much As I . . .

. . . Take Kam, for example. Not so much.

Granted, it was nearing lunch/nap time.

But, you will appreciate them, won't you? I mean, aren't they gorgeous???
Oh how I love tulips.

Even Kam came around ;)

Stay tuned . . . I need your help with something.

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Foursons said...

Tulips are my favorite flower! Gorgeous, gorgeous flowers. Where were you? Oh, and the girls are pretty too. :D

Kelli W said...

I love tulips too! That last picture is just too adorable for words! So glad that Kam came around:)

He & Me + 3 said...

Beautiful pictures. That first face was not happy. STill loving those piggie tails. Adorable.

Jenny said...

What a face!

Tulips have always been my favorite. I had them in my wedding bouquets and they were gorgeous!

I love your pics!

Heather said...

Love those pictures!! Kams face is TOO much!! :D

Rachel Sue said...

Where are you? Jealous! I LOVE tulips. I want to go to there. . .


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