Monday, August 30, 2010

What Happens When . . .

. . . On November 1st, 2009 you toss your jack o' lanterns out into the field to be rid of them?

You may just find this in the excavation dirt pile 9 months later:

And you might catch a glimpse of one of these little cuties:

And a few days later you might notice it growing:

And then you might get excited. And start watering it. And checking on it multiple times each day.

Awww, isn't it cute?

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Foursons said...

No way! That is awesome!

Jenny said...

That is so cool! We toss ours in the woods every year. However, the deer probably eat them too fast for them to grow!

Grace~The Mommy On the Bus said...

Oh that is funny!!!

Grace~The Mommy On the Bus said...

Maybe next time I have some left over chocolate cake, I'll throw it out in the backyard? You think it'd work for that too?

Heather said...

Look at that!! We had to actually go to the store, buy pumpkin plants, put them in the ground, and water profusely (we don't have the NW moisture). We have LOTS of blossoms....but no cuties yet. Fingers crossed and prayers said that we'll have some pumpkins by Halloween. :D

Abra Clampitt said...

that is just awesome! i had no idea pumpkins were that easy to grow. how fun! maybe we will try that after this year. :)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Oh, that is adorable! What a fun surprise!

Rhonda said...

What a nice surprise! How fun your own pumpkins to decorate!

{:miss v:} said...

That is so fun! I bet that was such a sweet surprise! Can't wait to see it all grown up!

Busy Bee Suz said...

What GREEN luck you have!!!

shortmama said...

Same thing happened to my friend! Her son put some pumpkin seeds out after Halloween and they took over their front yard! They had a pretty good size pumpkin a couple months ago too!

Colleen said...

Wow! I need to try that :)

mindy2780 said...

that is awesome! we had a similar situation with cucumbers a few yeras ago- the plants were doing well so I threw them down the hill. fast forward three months later and Jon mows over something hard in the yard. thinking it is a toy he stops and checks, and finds a cucumber growing, along with several others, down our hill!

Susana said...

How exciting! I hope you post them when they are all grown! This will be so much fun, bet your girls think it's pretty cool too!

Kelli W said...

How cool! I want to grow pumpkins!

jennykate77 said...

Oh my goodness! How cute! I want pumpkins growing in my yard!! :)

Aimee said...

Very cool! We had this happen one year. My son took the little mini pumpkins outside to play with them and the next year we had a mini pumpkin plant growing under the swingset! It made one little pumpkin.

Pam said...


Cassie said...

That is totally awesome, may not be ready for Halloween but they might be ready by Thanksgiving. Too funny!


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