Today we made Rudolph Candy Canes. These are sooooo easy, fairly mess-free, and don't take long at all to make. A big craft score, in my book!
You need:
Candy Canes
Wiggly eyes
Red puff ball for the nose
Brown {or any color, really} pipe cleaner for the antlers
You simply glue they eyes and nose to the candy cane, attach some "antlers", and hang on the tree. They are super adorable . . .
. . . and super easy!
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Do you have craft foam {in green} on hand?
You could cut out some circles, punch out the middle, decorate with rhinestones, sequins, or other embellishments, and end up with some very sweet Christmas wreathes.
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Try making gift tags!
All you need is scrapbooking paper {or even construction paper would work}, stickers, a hole punch and ribbon. Actually, you wouldn't even need to punch a hole and use ribbon, if you didn't want to. Super easy!
We'll be making gift tags at our house soon!
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And finally, anyone remember these from last year?
Okay, they are a bit more on the messy side. Think glue and glitter and little hands. Yeah. But they are such fun, and they make gorgeous decorations. You just need white craft foam, cut into the shape of a snowflake. We glued, then sprinkled glitter, and embellished with rhinestones. Then we hung them, by ribbon, from the girls' ceiling.
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Hope this helps get those creative juices flowin'! ;) Try one, and then let me know how it goes!

The Rudolph candy canes are cute. Nolan would love those.
I remember making Rudolph candy canes in school. That's back when it was ok to celebrate Christmas in the public school.
YES!! I need craft ideas!
I'm so irritated! I know that I have all the items to make the reindeer....but all of my craft stuff is in the storage thing in the basement.
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