Alright y'all, welcome to another week of Pregnancy Journals. I kept this journal a year ago, when I was pregnant with Kameryn. We're in the home stretch . . . and it's about to get a little exciting.
{originally submitted to January 14, 2009}
Week 32 ~ What a Week!
It looks as though I spoke too soon, last week, regarding peace and quiet! This week has been quite the whirlwind.
Remember a couple of weeks ago I mentioned that Makenna had come down with Fifth Disease? Back in October we were exposed through our Sunday School class, I mentioned it to my midwife, and she assured me that it was probably nothing to worry about. It finally made its way to Makenna right before Christmas, and shortly after, Sierra came down with it. Being that I wasn’t just “exposed” to it now, I was actually living with two little pumpkins who had it (loving on them, and in close contact 24 hours a day), I thought I would mention it again. The midwife agreed that I should probably be tested, though it was unlikely that I wasn’t immune to it, as I’d probably had it as a child, and didn’t even know it. So, I had some blood work done at my last appointment, and the nurse assured me that they’d have the results “soon”. When I hadn’t heard anything in over a week, I just assumed that the results were fine, and I put it out of my mind.
Imagine my surprise last week, when I received a call from the midwife letting me know that the tests came back that I had a full-blown case of Fifth Disease! I was so sure that I was immune to it. As I had mentioned in a previous entry, Fifth Disease is completely harmless and often times mild, but it can present complications in pregnancy. Because the hospital I go to now isn’t equipped to monitor this type of situation, I was referred to a
specialist, and ordered a Level 2 Ultrasound at a larger hospital that specializes in high-risk pregnancy.
Yesterday was the big day. My mother-in-law came over to watch the girls as it is close to an hour and a half drive each way to the hospital, plus the wait time for the ultrasound and appointment. We were so grateful for Geri to be able to watch the girls. My parents took off last week for their annual 6 week trip through Nevada and Arizona, so we don’t have quite the help we normally would have.
My ultrasound was scheduled for 2:20 with a follow-up consultation appointment at 3:00. Through the worry and concern, I must admit it was wonderful to be able to take another peek at our little princess. This ultrasound was a bit more detailed, so we really got a good look at all her little fingers and toes, her adorable little mouth and nose, and her little heart, just beating away. We even got a 3-D picture! After the tech took an extensive look around, she gave the results to two other doctors, and they both came in and had another look around. While they found no fluid around our little girl’s heart (a sign of severe anemia), they did find a sign that she had possibly developed the anemia. It is at a mild stage at this point, so I will be monitored up at this hospital 1-2 times per week via ultrasound, and I have been ordered to have a NST (non-stress test) twice a week at my regular hospital. I’m going to be one busy gal!
After the ultrasound, I got to meet with the perinatologist. He was wonderful in helping explain everything to us. He let us know what we might be able to expect every step of the way. Once our consultation concluded, he wanted me to have a NST, so we got set up for that. The nurse had mentioned that we would need to get a good reading which means having the baby alert, awake, and moving. Well, that was no problem! As soon as the monitors were strapped to my tummy our little girl kicked, punched, and prodded the entire time! Needless to say, it didn’t take long to get the reading they were after. About a half an hour in all, and we were on our way.
By the time we left the hospital it was after 5, and we had a long drive home in rush-hour traffic. It was the perfect time to reflect on the day, I suppose. I feel so blessed that I was able to leave the hospital last night. I couldn’t help but think of all the women who wind up with complications during pregnancy which keep them hospitalized for days, weeks, or even months! I, on the other hand, was able to go home and see my precious daughters and enjoy the rest of the evening with them. It will be a bit of a pain to make weekly trips up to this new hospital. The drive is long, and it’s not easy to get there. But I have to remind myself just how lucky I am that our baby is doing so well through all of it. I truly feel taken care of.
Of course, any and all prayers are welcome. With 7 weeks to go, we have our fingers crossed that baby girl doesn’t decide to make an appearance too early!
Until next week, enjoy all the blessings in your life!

You had a very eventful pregnancy with her!
I LOVE reading birth stories! Thanks for sharing♥
I wish I had done more journaling with my kids. I was good on the 1st one and by the 3rd I did nothing.
I can only imagine the concern you must have had over Kam's health...but it sounds like you handled it wonderfully!
I LOVE reading birth stories! Thanks for sharing♥
Work from home India
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