Monday, August 2, 2010

A{nother} House Update

It's time for another house update! It's been awhile, hasn't it?
This will be short and sweet, as there isn't too much to report.
The framing is complete, the windows installed, and HVAC is underway. In the next few weeks we will work on siding and electrical, and hopefully we'll be ready for insulation and sheet rock by the start of Fall. Progress, yay!

Here are our stairs. We're pretty excited to have stairs ;)

And the view of the left side of the house.

I mentioned before that it's almost impossible to get a front shot due to the fact that our current home is smack dab in front of it. And when I say smack, I mean it. Can you see it?

Hopefully I'll have more to report soon!

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Kelli W said...

Good grief that is really close! I love the stairs and the little landing! I was really excited about our stairs when we built our house a few years ago too:)

Rhonda said...

I love the stairs! Yea, it's coming along. Wow, you really do mean smack dab in front of your new house. ;)

Rhonda said...

Oh, I love your new header too.

Colleen said...

Keep up the "old" house, and we can be neighbors! Can you imagine??

Kelli said...

Wow, that is close. So do you remove that house when the new house is finished or move the house? What great progress...I know you have to really be getting excited.

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is beautiful.
So, are you guys staying in a temporary trailer??? I must have missed that part.

Heather said...

I guess I should have opened blogger before I emailed you this morning :) Good to see progress!! Yay!!

Foursons said...

And a roof! You forgot we haven't seen the roof yet!

This is tons of progress since the last update. I can only imagine how excited you are. :D

Foursons said...

Oh and I love your new header too.

Jenny said...

So you can just open your front door and walk into the new house? That will make moving so much easier!

That is looking like an awesome house! I'm really excited for you all!

Tiffany said...

Oh, how exciting this must be for you!! Thanks for sharing your photos!

He & Me + 3 said...

It looks great and I love the stairs. The header is fabulous too. CUTE

~~Mel~~ said...

Looking good! I love that you are taking us on this journey with you.

shortmama said...

I am so excited just looking at the pics, I cant imagine how you feel!

Connie said...

Wow you've got a great view of the progress!

Meghan said...

Thanks for joining in Hip Homeschool Hop. We are excited to have you link up with us! Keep in touch each with and


Theresa said...

Just stopping by from the Hip Homeschool Hop! How exciting--I can't wait for all the updates on the home building!!

We are just beginning our homeschool journey (although we did the co-sleeping when they were babies, LOVED IT! we should have homeschooled from the beginning...oh well!)...anyway, we are just starting our homeschool journey and I look very forward to learning from other homeschool moms!


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