Oh my goodness, I can't believe we are only two days away from the first of December! It is definitely time to get organized for Countdown to Christmas!
So, the details: I think we'll link up on Thursdays throughout December {December 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd}. Since we'll only be two days in for the first link up, I thought we could blog about what our plans were for the first week {or even the entire month}. Or, if you don't care to link up until the following Thursday, join in on the 9th! Either way, we'd love to have ya. It's a great way for all of us to gather ideas for crafts, activities, and outings to enjoy with our own children as we count down the days until Christmas! And, of course, feel free to post about your fun creations, projects, outings, and recipes each day, if you like. And on Thursdays, we can do a recap.
Grab my button for your blog, if ya like. I worked REALLY hard on it {just kiddin'!}
Most of my projects will be centered around my children, but if you do not have children {or they are too young to participate}, please consider linking up some of your favorite crafts, holiday traditions, recipes, anyway. We all could use some inspiration!
Need ideas? Have a look through my December 2009 archives. Last year we made our own advent calendars, hair clips, gift boxes, gift tags, and snowflake decorations ~ to name a few. If you're not feeling super crafty, think about making Christmas cookies, going for a drive to look at Christmas lights, or snuggle up with a cup of cocoa and some good Christmas stories {or a movie!} I've found that children just love the idea of having something fun to do each day.
Oh, and also, there may be a giveaway at some point ;) I'll give you more details about that later!
Now go! Plan out your activities, and think of joining us. We had so much fun last year!