Happy 4 Months, Sweet Baby Girl!
I cannot believe that you are 1/3 of a year old already :(
Four months ago you came into the world so beautiful and tiny and perfect.

And even then, at that tiny little age, you knew exactly what you wanted and when you wanted it. And you let us know when you weren't gettin' it ;)

Oh the preciousness of a new baby. The scrunchy little face. It's about more than I can handle.

And then you came home with us to be a part of our family. Such a special day.

And you grew.

{ One month }
And grew some more.

{ Two Months }
And grew even more {stop doing that so fast, k?}

{ Three Months }
And here you are, FOUR months!

At four months you are weighing about 16 pounds, according to my scale. You're a good little sleeper, most of the time. Most days we are on a three nap schedule. You like a snooze a couple of hours after waking in the morning. Then another after lunch {this is usually a longer one. Sometimes up to three hours!}. And sometimes a tiny little cat nap to get us through until bedtime. Bedtime is typically between 8 and 9. You and Kam go down at the same time. About 60% of the time you wake 3 times in the middle of the night to eat, but are right back to sleep. And the other 40% of the time you get up around 2am to chitty chat with your Mama for a couple hours.
You are growing like a weed! 3-6 month clothing is a thing of the past! You are in 6-9 month clothing now.
You love to smile. You are the smiliest baby I've ever known. Happy. Content. You are truly a blessing to us.

Happy Four Months, Little Sweet Pea!
Love you so much!!
I cannot believe that you are 1/3 of a year old already :(
Four months ago you came into the world so beautiful and tiny and perfect.
And even then, at that tiny little age, you knew exactly what you wanted and when you wanted it. And you let us know when you weren't gettin' it ;)
Oh the preciousness of a new baby. The scrunchy little face. It's about more than I can handle.
And then you came home with us to be a part of our family. Such a special day.
And you grew.
{ One month }
And grew some more.
{ Two Months }
And grew even more {stop doing that so fast, k?}
{ Three Months }
And here you are, FOUR months!
At four months you are weighing about 16 pounds, according to my scale. You're a good little sleeper, most of the time. Most days we are on a three nap schedule. You like a snooze a couple of hours after waking in the morning. Then another after lunch {this is usually a longer one. Sometimes up to three hours!}. And sometimes a tiny little cat nap to get us through until bedtime. Bedtime is typically between 8 and 9. You and Kam go down at the same time. About 60% of the time you wake 3 times in the middle of the night to eat, but are right back to sleep. And the other 40% of the time you get up around 2am to chitty chat with your Mama for a couple hours.
You are growing like a weed! 3-6 month clothing is a thing of the past! You are in 6-9 month clothing now.
You love to smile. You are the smiliest baby I've ever known. Happy. Content. You are truly a blessing to us.
Happy Four Months, Little Sweet Pea!
Love you so much!!

Sweet baby girl! : ) What a perfect addition she was! Hope you all are staying warm. It is getting cold here. : )
Aww! Happy 4 month birthday, sweet baby girl!
She is such a beautiful addition to your gorgeous family! That face in the second picture is priceless.
4 months already! She's is so beautiful!
Happy 4 month birthday!!
She is growing so fast!
She is such a cutie! I love the three month picture...that headband is adorable!
She is just precious. I'd love to cuddle with her for a few hours. :)
Can't say enough how fast time flies!!
She's precious.
Love the new header picture too!
She is so precious!! I love how all the girls are great with her.
Ok, seriously, she can stop it now. :) Four months! Her eyes look so blue in that one pic. Love seeing her sisters love on her :)
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